2020 Reviews
Reviews Published in 2020
Under the leadership of book review editors Mary Jane Haemig and Suzanne Hequet, Lutheran Quarterly published 66 book reviews in Volume 34 (2020). The list below gives the publication information of each book reviewed. The reviewer's name appears in parentheses, followed by the Volume/number of the review.
Gwenfair Walters Adams, ed., Reformation Commentary on Scripture: New Testament VII: Romans 1–8 (John Hoyum) 34/1
Matthieu Arnold, Martin Luther (Allen Jorgenson) 34/3
Antony Aumann, Art and Selfhood: A Kierkegaardian Account (Ron Marshall) 34/4
Paul Avis, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology (R. David Nelson) 34/4
Jacob M. Baum, Reformation of the Senses: The Paradox of Religious Belief and Practice in Germany (Mary Jane Haemig) 34/4
Robert Benne, Thanks Be to God! Memoirs of a Practical Theologian (Mark Mattes) 34/4
Winfield Bevins, Ever Ancient, Ever New: The Allure of Liturgy for a New Generation (Rhoda Schuler) 34/1
Karla Boersma & Herman J. Selderhuis, More than Luther: The Reformation and the Rise of Pluralism in Europe (Thomas Farmer) 34/1
Luke Bretherton, Christ and the Common Life: Political Theology and the Case for Democracy (Andrew Ronnevik) 34/4
Amy Nelson Burnett, Debating the Sacraments: Print and Authority in the Early Reformation (John Maxfield) 34/4
Bradley B. Burroughs, Christianity, Politics, and the Predicament of Evil (Robert Benne) 34/4
Lisa Sowle Cahill, Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Pacifism, Just War and Peacebuilding (Pauline Shanks Kaurin) 34/2
Clare Carlisle, Philosopher of the Heart: The Restless Life of Søren Kierkegaard (Ron Marshall) 34/2
Michael DeJonge and Clifford Green, eds., Luther, Bonhoeffer and Public Ethics: Re-Forming the Church of the Future (David Loy) 34/1
Samuel Deressa and Sarah Wilson, eds. The Life, Works, and Witness of Tsehay Tolessa and Gudina Tumsa, The Ethiopian Bonhoeffer (Clayton Faulkner) 34/1
Lother Graf zu Dohna and Richard Wetzel, Staupitz, theologischer Lehrer Luthers. Neue Quellen—bleibende Erkenntnisse. (Robert Kolb) 34/1
James R. Edwards, Between the Swastika & the Sickle: the life, disappearance, & execution of Ernst Lohmeyer (John Matthews) 34/3
Mary Schaefer Fast, God, Suffering, and Disability: A Trinitarian Theodicy of the Cross (Adam Morton) 34/4
Gerhard O. Forde, The Essential Forde: Distinguishing Law and Gospel. Edited by Nicholas Hopman, Mark Mattes, and Steven Paulson (H. George Anderson) 34/3
Bo Giertz, A Year of Grace: Volume 1, Collected Sermons of Advent Through Pentecost and A Year of Grace: Volume 2, Collected Sermons Covering the Season of Pentecost/Trinity (Mark Mattes) 34/2
Robert F. Goeckel, Soviet Religious Policy in Estonia and Latvia: Playing Harmony in the Singing Revolution (Austra Reinis) 34/4
Gifford A. Grobien, Christian Character Formation: Lutheran Studies of the Law, Anthropology, Worship and Virtue (Aaron Klink) 34/4
Helmut Hartmann, The Quest for Faithfulness—A Memoir (Philip Nesvig) 34/4
Steven Hein, The Christian Life: Cross or Glory? (Mark Mattes) 34/3
John Helmke, Philipp of Hesse: Unlikely Hero of the Reformation (Mary Anderson) 34/2
Bo Kristian Holm and Nina J. Koefoed, eds., Lutheran Theology and the shaping of society: The Danish Monarchy as Example (Jason Lavery) 34/1
Frank G. Honeycutt, Sunday Comes Every Week (Ron Hoyum) 34/4
Chaoluan Kao, Reformation of Prayerbooks: The Humanist Transformation of Early Modern Piety in Germany and England (Mary Jane Haemig) 34/1
Thomas Kaufmann, Die Mitte der Reformation. Eine Studie zu Buchdruck und Publizistik im deutschen Sprachgebiet, zu ihren Akteuren und deren Strategien, Inszenierungs- und Ausdrucksformen (John Maxfield) 34/4
Josh de Keijzer, Bonhoeffer’s Theology of the Cross: The Influence of Luther in “Act and Being” (Chester O’Gorman) 34/4
Armin Kohnle, ed., Luthers Tod: Ereignis und Wirkung (Robert Kolb) 34/2
Robert Kolb, Luther’s Wittenberg World: The Reformer’s Family, Friends, Followers, and Foes (Jason Lane) 34/2
Robert Kolb, Nikolaus von Amsdorf: Champion of Martin Luther’s Reformation (Susan Mobley) 34/3
Gisela H. Kreglinger, The Spirituality of Wine (Andrew Wilson) 34/1
Robin Leaver, ed., Bach and the Counterpoint of Religion (Steven Wente) 34/1
Thorsten A. Leppek, Wahrheit bei Wolfhart Pannenberg: Eine philosophisch-theologische Untersuchung (Gregory Walter) 34/2
Debra J. Lindsay, Maria Martin’s World: Art & Science, Faith & Family in Audubon’s America (Susan McArver) 34/1
Mark A. Lotito, The Reformation of Historical Thought (Robert Kolb) 34/4
Scott M. Manetsch, ed., The Reformation and the Irrepressible Word of God: Interpretation, Theology, and Practice (John Pless) 34/3
Mark Mattes, Law & Gospel: Foundations, Ethics, Church (Joshua Miller) 34/3
Robert J. Matz and A. Chadwick Thornhill, eds., Divine Impassibility: Four Views of God’s Emotions and Suffering (Mark Mattes) 34/2
Megan Meyers, Grazing and Growing: Developing Disciples through Contextualized Worship Arts in Mozambique (Samuel Deressa) 34/1
Jonathan Mumme, et al., eds., Church as Fullness in All Things: Recasting Lutheran Ecclesiology in an Ecumenical Context (Mark Mattes) 34/2
R. David Nelson, Jüngel: A Guide for the Perplexed (Mark Mattes) 34/4
Oliver K. Olson, Reclaiming the Lutheran Liturgical Heritage and Reclaiming Lutheran Confirmation. (Thomas Jacobson) 34/2
G. Sujin Pak, The Reformation of Prophecy: Early Modern Interpretations of the Prophet and Old Testament Prophecy (Timothy Wengert) 34/2
Geoffrey Parker, Emperor: A New Life of Charles V (Kurt Stadtwald) 34/2
Michael C. Rea, The Hiddenness of God (Mark Mattes) 34/2
Ronald K. Rittgers, The Reformation of Suffering: Pastoral Theology and Lay Piety in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany (Mary Jane Haemig) 34/3
Ronald K. Rittgers and Vincent Evener, eds., Protestants and Mysticism in Reformation Europe (Aaron Klink) 34/4
David S. Robinson, Christ and Revelatory Community in Bonhoeffer’s Reception of Hegel (Theodore Hopkins) 34/1
Johannes Schilling and Martin Treu, eds., Die Luther-Gesellschaft 1918-2018. Beiträge zu ihrem hundertjährigen Jubiläum. (Robert Kolb) 34/4
Harold L. Senkbeil, The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor’s Heart (Mark Mattes) 34/3
C. Christopher Smith, How the Body of Christ Talks: Recovering the Practice of Conversation in the Church (Mark Mattes) 34/1
Paul Sponheim, Learning on Life’s Way: Remembering and Reflecting by a Teller of Tall Tales (Ron Marshall) 34/2
Ronald H. Stone, Reinhold Niebuhr in the 1960s: Christian Realism for a Secular Age (Jeremy Sabella) 34/4
Theo Sundermeier, Lehren und Lernen in Afrika (Craig Nessan) 34/4
Matthew Sutton, Double Crossed: The Missionaries Who Spied for the United States during the Second World War (Mark Nygard) 34/3
Andrew Torrance, The Freedom to Become a Christian: A Kierkegaardian Account of Human Transformation in Relationship with God (Walter Wietzke III) 34/2
Andrea Vestrucci, Theology as Freedom (Mark Mattes) 34/4
Thomas A. Von Hagel, A Catalogue of 1580 Dressden Concordia: Thirteen Exemplars of the Book of Concord (Suzanne Hequet) 34/4
Robert Louis Wilken, Liberty in the Things of God: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom (Mary Jane Haemig) 34/2
Jared Wicks, Luther’s Reform: Studies on Conversion and the Church (Mark Mattes) 34/2
Jonathan M Wilson, God on Three Sides: German Pietists in Eighteenth-Century America (Kim-Eric Williams) 34/4
Nicholas Wolterstorff, Religion in the University (Mark Mattes) 34/1
David Zahl, Seculosity (Sarah Wilson) 34/2
Matthieu Arnold, Martin Luther (Allen Jorgenson) 34/3
Antony Aumann, Art and Selfhood: A Kierkegaardian Account (Ron Marshall) 34/4
Paul Avis, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology (R. David Nelson) 34/4
Jacob M. Baum, Reformation of the Senses: The Paradox of Religious Belief and Practice in Germany (Mary Jane Haemig) 34/4
Robert Benne, Thanks Be to God! Memoirs of a Practical Theologian (Mark Mattes) 34/4
Winfield Bevins, Ever Ancient, Ever New: The Allure of Liturgy for a New Generation (Rhoda Schuler) 34/1
Karla Boersma & Herman J. Selderhuis, More than Luther: The Reformation and the Rise of Pluralism in Europe (Thomas Farmer) 34/1
Luke Bretherton, Christ and the Common Life: Political Theology and the Case for Democracy (Andrew Ronnevik) 34/4
Amy Nelson Burnett, Debating the Sacraments: Print and Authority in the Early Reformation (John Maxfield) 34/4
Bradley B. Burroughs, Christianity, Politics, and the Predicament of Evil (Robert Benne) 34/4
Lisa Sowle Cahill, Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Pacifism, Just War and Peacebuilding (Pauline Shanks Kaurin) 34/2
Clare Carlisle, Philosopher of the Heart: The Restless Life of Søren Kierkegaard (Ron Marshall) 34/2
Michael DeJonge and Clifford Green, eds., Luther, Bonhoeffer and Public Ethics: Re-Forming the Church of the Future (David Loy) 34/1
Samuel Deressa and Sarah Wilson, eds. The Life, Works, and Witness of Tsehay Tolessa and Gudina Tumsa, The Ethiopian Bonhoeffer (Clayton Faulkner) 34/1
Lother Graf zu Dohna and Richard Wetzel, Staupitz, theologischer Lehrer Luthers. Neue Quellen—bleibende Erkenntnisse. (Robert Kolb) 34/1
James R. Edwards, Between the Swastika & the Sickle: the life, disappearance, & execution of Ernst Lohmeyer (John Matthews) 34/3
Mary Schaefer Fast, God, Suffering, and Disability: A Trinitarian Theodicy of the Cross (Adam Morton) 34/4
Gerhard O. Forde, The Essential Forde: Distinguishing Law and Gospel. Edited by Nicholas Hopman, Mark Mattes, and Steven Paulson (H. George Anderson) 34/3
Bo Giertz, A Year of Grace: Volume 1, Collected Sermons of Advent Through Pentecost and A Year of Grace: Volume 2, Collected Sermons Covering the Season of Pentecost/Trinity (Mark Mattes) 34/2
Robert F. Goeckel, Soviet Religious Policy in Estonia and Latvia: Playing Harmony in the Singing Revolution (Austra Reinis) 34/4
Gifford A. Grobien, Christian Character Formation: Lutheran Studies of the Law, Anthropology, Worship and Virtue (Aaron Klink) 34/4
Helmut Hartmann, The Quest for Faithfulness—A Memoir (Philip Nesvig) 34/4
Steven Hein, The Christian Life: Cross or Glory? (Mark Mattes) 34/3
John Helmke, Philipp of Hesse: Unlikely Hero of the Reformation (Mary Anderson) 34/2
Bo Kristian Holm and Nina J. Koefoed, eds., Lutheran Theology and the shaping of society: The Danish Monarchy as Example (Jason Lavery) 34/1
Frank G. Honeycutt, Sunday Comes Every Week (Ron Hoyum) 34/4
Chaoluan Kao, Reformation of Prayerbooks: The Humanist Transformation of Early Modern Piety in Germany and England (Mary Jane Haemig) 34/1
Thomas Kaufmann, Die Mitte der Reformation. Eine Studie zu Buchdruck und Publizistik im deutschen Sprachgebiet, zu ihren Akteuren und deren Strategien, Inszenierungs- und Ausdrucksformen (John Maxfield) 34/4
Josh de Keijzer, Bonhoeffer’s Theology of the Cross: The Influence of Luther in “Act and Being” (Chester O’Gorman) 34/4
Armin Kohnle, ed., Luthers Tod: Ereignis und Wirkung (Robert Kolb) 34/2
Robert Kolb, Luther’s Wittenberg World: The Reformer’s Family, Friends, Followers, and Foes (Jason Lane) 34/2
Robert Kolb, Nikolaus von Amsdorf: Champion of Martin Luther’s Reformation (Susan Mobley) 34/3
Gisela H. Kreglinger, The Spirituality of Wine (Andrew Wilson) 34/1
Robin Leaver, ed., Bach and the Counterpoint of Religion (Steven Wente) 34/1
Thorsten A. Leppek, Wahrheit bei Wolfhart Pannenberg: Eine philosophisch-theologische Untersuchung (Gregory Walter) 34/2
Debra J. Lindsay, Maria Martin’s World: Art & Science, Faith & Family in Audubon’s America (Susan McArver) 34/1
Mark A. Lotito, The Reformation of Historical Thought (Robert Kolb) 34/4
Scott M. Manetsch, ed., The Reformation and the Irrepressible Word of God: Interpretation, Theology, and Practice (John Pless) 34/3
Mark Mattes, Law & Gospel: Foundations, Ethics, Church (Joshua Miller) 34/3
Robert J. Matz and A. Chadwick Thornhill, eds., Divine Impassibility: Four Views of God’s Emotions and Suffering (Mark Mattes) 34/2
Megan Meyers, Grazing and Growing: Developing Disciples through Contextualized Worship Arts in Mozambique (Samuel Deressa) 34/1
Jonathan Mumme, et al., eds., Church as Fullness in All Things: Recasting Lutheran Ecclesiology in an Ecumenical Context (Mark Mattes) 34/2
R. David Nelson, Jüngel: A Guide for the Perplexed (Mark Mattes) 34/4
Oliver K. Olson, Reclaiming the Lutheran Liturgical Heritage and Reclaiming Lutheran Confirmation. (Thomas Jacobson) 34/2
G. Sujin Pak, The Reformation of Prophecy: Early Modern Interpretations of the Prophet and Old Testament Prophecy (Timothy Wengert) 34/2
Geoffrey Parker, Emperor: A New Life of Charles V (Kurt Stadtwald) 34/2
Michael C. Rea, The Hiddenness of God (Mark Mattes) 34/2
Ronald K. Rittgers, The Reformation of Suffering: Pastoral Theology and Lay Piety in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany (Mary Jane Haemig) 34/3
Ronald K. Rittgers and Vincent Evener, eds., Protestants and Mysticism in Reformation Europe (Aaron Klink) 34/4
David S. Robinson, Christ and Revelatory Community in Bonhoeffer’s Reception of Hegel (Theodore Hopkins) 34/1
Johannes Schilling and Martin Treu, eds., Die Luther-Gesellschaft 1918-2018. Beiträge zu ihrem hundertjährigen Jubiläum. (Robert Kolb) 34/4
Harold L. Senkbeil, The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor’s Heart (Mark Mattes) 34/3
C. Christopher Smith, How the Body of Christ Talks: Recovering the Practice of Conversation in the Church (Mark Mattes) 34/1
Paul Sponheim, Learning on Life’s Way: Remembering and Reflecting by a Teller of Tall Tales (Ron Marshall) 34/2
Ronald H. Stone, Reinhold Niebuhr in the 1960s: Christian Realism for a Secular Age (Jeremy Sabella) 34/4
Theo Sundermeier, Lehren und Lernen in Afrika (Craig Nessan) 34/4
Matthew Sutton, Double Crossed: The Missionaries Who Spied for the United States during the Second World War (Mark Nygard) 34/3
Andrew Torrance, The Freedom to Become a Christian: A Kierkegaardian Account of Human Transformation in Relationship with God (Walter Wietzke III) 34/2
Andrea Vestrucci, Theology as Freedom (Mark Mattes) 34/4
Thomas A. Von Hagel, A Catalogue of 1580 Dressden Concordia: Thirteen Exemplars of the Book of Concord (Suzanne Hequet) 34/4
Robert Louis Wilken, Liberty in the Things of God: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom (Mary Jane Haemig) 34/2
Jared Wicks, Luther’s Reform: Studies on Conversion and the Church (Mark Mattes) 34/2
Jonathan M Wilson, God on Three Sides: German Pietists in Eighteenth-Century America (Kim-Eric Williams) 34/4
Nicholas Wolterstorff, Religion in the University (Mark Mattes) 34/1
David Zahl, Seculosity (Sarah Wilson) 34/2