2017 Reviews
Reviews Completed in 2017
Book Reviews for LQ Volume 31 (2017) Alphabetical by author (reviewer in parentheses)
Walter Altmann, Luther and Liberation: A Latin American Perspective Second Edition. (Matthew Maruggi) 31/1
Nicolaus von Amsdorff, Ausgewählte Schriften der Jahre 1550 bis 1562 aus der ehemaligen Eisenacher Ministerialbibliothek edited by Hagen Jäger (Robert Kolb) 31/3
Uche Anizor and Hank Voss, Representing Christ. A Vision for the Priesthood of all Believers (Mark Tranvik) 31/1
Jan Bank with Lieve Gevers, Churches and Religion in the Second World War (Darrell Jodock) 31/2
Joachim Bauer and Stefan Michel, eds., Der “Unterricht der Visitatoren” und die Durchsetzung der Reformation in Kursachsen (Robert Kolb) 31/3
Elias Kifon Bongmba, The Routledge Companion to Christianity in Africa (Mark Nygard) 31/2
Kenneth A. Briggs, The Invisible Bestseller: Searching for the Bible in America (Mark Granquist) 31/3
Andrew Chandler, George Bell, Bishop of Chichester: Church, State, and Resistance in the Age of Dictatorship (Mark Brocker) 31/2
Richard Chartres, et al. eds., Reformation Then and Now: Contributions to the Ninth Theological Conference within the framework of the Meissen Process between the Church of England and the Evangelical Church in Germany (H. George Anderson) 31/4
Keith Clements, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ecumenical Quest (Thomas Johnson) 31/1
Derek Cooper, Introduction to World Christian History (Russell Kleckley) 31/3
Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann, eds. Reformation Commentary on Scripture: Old Testament V. 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles. (Mark Throntveit) 31/1
Peter Stebbins Craig, et al., eds. Colonial Records of the Swedish Churches in Pennsylvania, Volume 5: The Parlin Years, 1750-1759, and Volume 6-A and 6-B: The Wrangel Years, 1759-1766 (Mark Granquist) 30/4
Ingolf U. Dalferth, Transzendenz und säkulare Welt: Lebensorientierung an letzter Gegenwart (David Nelson) 31/2
Sean Doherty, Theology and Economic
Ulrich Duchrow, Mit Luther, Marx und Papst den Kapitalismus überwinden (Mirko Hall) 31/4
Margrét Eggertsdóttir, Icelandic Baroque: Poetic Art and Erudition in the Works of Hallgrímur Pétursson (Gracia Grindal) 31/4Ethics: Martin Luther and Arthur Rich in Dialogue (Robert Benne) 30/4
Carlos M. N. Eire, Reformations: The Early Modern World, 1450-1650 (Hans Hillerbrand) 31/2
Thomas A. Fudge, Jan Hus Between Time and Eternity: Reconsidering a Medieval Heretic (Louis Reith) 31/3
Gracia Grindal, Unstoppable: Norwegian Pioneers Educate Their Daughters. (Mark Granquist) 31/4
Scott W. Gustafson, At the Altar of Wall Street: The Rituals, Myths, Theologies, Sacraments, and Mission of the Religion Known as the Modern Global Economy (Guillermo Hansen) 31/1
Norm Habel, Why on Earth are you still a Lutheran? Memoirs of a heretic. (Matthew Becker) 31/4
Kenneth Hagen, The Word does Everything…(James Kroemer) 31/4
Berndt Hamm, Ablass und Reformation: Erstaunliche Kohärenzen (Robert Kolb) 31/2
Benjamin Hasselhorn, Luther Vermitteln: Reformationsgeschichte zwischen Historisierung und Aktualisierung (H. George Anderson) 31/4
Gordon L. Heath, ed., American Churches and the First World War (David Settje) 31/4
Kevin W. Hector, The Theological Project of Modernism: Faith and the Conditions of Mineness (David Nelson) 31/1
Peter A. Hendrickson, Bradley C. Jenson, and Randi H. Lundell, Luther and Bach on the Magnificat (Beth Kreitzer) 31/2
Kat Hill, Baptism, Brotherhood and Belief: Lutheranism and Anabaptism in Germany (Aaron Klink) 31/3
Paul R. Hinlicky, Divine Simplicity: Christ the Crisis of Metaphysics (Jack Kilcrease) 31/3
Thomas Albert Howard and Mark A. Noll, Protestantism after 500 Years (Thomas Farmer) 31/1
Johannes Hund, Das Augustana-Jubiläum von 1830 im Kontext von Kirchenpolitik, Theologie und kirchlichem Leben (Zachary Purvis) 31/2
Wade Johnston, An Uncompromising Gospel: Lutheranism’s First Identity Crisis and Lessons for Today (Mark Mattes) 31/2
Jonas Jonson, Nathan Söderblom: Called to Serve (Mark Granquist) 31/2
Margot Käßmann and Martin Rösel, eds. Die Bibel Martin Luthers: Ein Buch und seine Geschichte (H. George Anderson) 31/1
John D. Koch, Jr., The Distinction Between Law and Gospel as the Basis and Boundary of Theological Reflection (Joshua Miller) 31/4
U.V. Koren, U. V. Koren’s Works, Volume 3: Articles Edited by Mark DeGarmeaux et. al. (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Susan Kreutzer and Karen Nolte, eds., Deaconesses in Nursing Care:International Transfer of a Female Model of Life and Work in the 19th and 20th Century (Diane Greve) 31/4
Philip Krey and Peter Krey, editors. Reformation Commentary on Scripture: New Testament VIII: Romans 9 – 16 (Troy Troftgruben) 31/2
Michael Richard Laffin, The Promise of Martin Luther’s Political Theology: Freeing Luther from the Modern Political Narrative (Robert Benne) 31/3
Peter J. Leithart, The End of Protestantism: Pursuing Unity in a Fragmented Church (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Volker Leppin, ed. Reformatorische Theologie und Autoritäten (Jason Lane) 31/2
Volker Leppin, Transformationen: Studien zu den Wandlungsprozessen in Theologie und Frömmigkeit zwischen Spätmittelalter und Reformation (Martin Lohrmann) 31/4
Athina Lexutt, A Year with Luther: From the Great Reformer for our Times (Mark Mattes) 31/2
Carter Lindberg and Paul Wee, eds., The Forgotten Luther: Reclaiming the Social-Economic Dimension of the Reformation (Deanna Thompson) 31/2
D. Stephen Long, The Perfectly Simple Triune God: Aquinas and His Legacy (David Nelson) 31/4
David Luebke, Hometown Religion: Regimes of Coexistence in Early Modern Westphalia (Michael Halvorson) 31/3
Martin Luther, Small Catechism apps created by Augsburg Fortress and Concordia Publishing House (Ken Jones) 31/2
Martin Luther, The Annotated Luther: Volume One. Ed. Timothy J. Wengert. The Annotated Luther: Volume Two. Ed. Kirsi Stjerna (David Whitford) 31/4
Ronald F. Marshall, Kierkegaard in the Pulpit: Sermons Inspired by His Writings (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Timothy Maschke, Called to be Holy in the World: An Introduction to Christian History (Phillip Brandt) 31/3
Gerald R. McDermott, ed. The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel & the Land (Mark Mattes) 31/2
Philip Melanchthon, The Wittenberg Reformation (Timothy Wengert) 31/4
Susi-Hilde Michael, Der Katechismus des David Chytraeus: Edition und Übersetzung (Timothy Wengert) 31/2
Marius Timmann Mjaaland, The Hidden God: Luther, Philosophy, and Political Theology (Gregory Walter) 31/4
Stephen Pietsch, Of Good Comfort: Martin Luther’s Letters to the Depressed and their Significance for Pastoral Care Today (John Pless) 31/3
Thorsten Prill, Luther, Calvin and the Mission of the Church: The Mission Theology and Practice of the Protestant Reformers (Mark Nygard) 31/4
Zachary Purvis, Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany (Jack Kilcrease) 31/4
Susan Richter and Armin Kohle, eds. Herrschaft und Glaubenswechsel: Die Fürsten-reformation im Reich und in Europa in 28 Biographien (Kurt Stadtwald) 31/4
Thomas Ries and Bruce Corrie, eds. Leading with the Spirit: A Handbook on Leadership and Management for Clergy (Paul Koch) 31/4
Mark Safstrom, The Religious Origins of Democratic Pluralism: Paul Peter Waldenstrom and the Politics of the Swedish Awakening, 1868-1917 (Mark Granquist) 31/3
Robert Cady Saler, Theologia Crucis: A Companion to the Theology of the Cross (John Hoyum) 31/4
Heinz Schilling, Der Reformator Martin Luther 2017: Eine wissenschaftliche und gedenkpolitische Bestandsaufnahme (Jonathan Mumme) 31/2
Friedrich Schleiermacher, translated by Terrence N. Tice et al., Christian Faith – A New Translation and Critical Edition 2 Vols. (David Nelson) 31/4
Edmund Schlink, Ecumenical and Confessional Writings: The Coming Christ and Church Tradition and After the Council. Edmund Schlink Works, Volume 1. Edited by Matthew L. Becker (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Timothy Schmeling, Lives & Writings of the Great Fathers of the Lutheran Church (Mark Mattes) 31/1
Ulrich Schoentube, Gospel in Transformation. Rethinking of Gossner’s Insights, Lutheran Heritage in relation to Mission (Robert Kolb) 31/3
Robert Schreiter and Knud Jorgensen, eds. Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation (Gaylan Mathiesen) 31/1
Edward Schroeder, Gift and Promise: The Augsburg Confession & the Heart of Christian Theology. Ronald Neustadt and Stephen Hitchcock, eds. (Mark Mattes) 31/1
Herman Selderhuis, Reformation Commentary, vol. 6 Psalms 1-72 (Michael Chan) 31/3
Herman J. Selderhuis and Ernst-Joachim Waschke, eds., Reformation und Rationalitaet (Benjamin Mayes) 31/4
Friedemann Stengel and Jörg Ulrich, eds., Kirche und Krieg: Ambivalenzen in der Theologie (H. David Baer) 31/3
Friedemann Stengel, Sola scriptura im Kontext: Behauptung und Bestreitung des reformatorischen Schriftprinzips (Kurt Hendel) 31/4
Kirsi Stjerna and Brooks Schramm, eds. Encounters with Luther: New Directions for Critical Studies (Mark Mattes) 31/2
Paul Sponheim, Existing Before God: Soren Kierkegaard and the Human Venture (Ronald Marshall) 31/2
Helmut Thielicke, A Little Exercise for Young Theologians (Bud Thompson) 31/1
Mark Tietjen, Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians (Walter Wietzke) 31/1
Bengt Kristensson Uggla, Becoming Human Again: The Theological Life of Gustaf Wingren (Mary Anderson) 31/3
Kevin J. Vanhoozer , Biblical Authority after Babel: Retrieving the Solas in the Spirit of Mere Protestant Christianity (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Gene Veith, Working For Our Neighbor: A Lutheran Primer on Vocation, Economics, and Ordinary Life (Mark Tranvik) 31/2
Vítor Westhelle, Transfiguring Luther: The Planetary Promise of Luther’s Theology (Mark Mattes) 31/1
Andrew Wilson, Here I Walk: A Thousand Miles on Foot to Rome with Martin Luther (Sherry Jordon) 31/4
Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, A Guide to Pentecostal Movements for Lutherans (Christopher Richmann) 31/2
N. T. Wright, Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision (Mark Schuler) 31/1
Nicolaus von Amsdorff, Ausgewählte Schriften der Jahre 1550 bis 1562 aus der ehemaligen Eisenacher Ministerialbibliothek edited by Hagen Jäger (Robert Kolb) 31/3
Uche Anizor and Hank Voss, Representing Christ. A Vision for the Priesthood of all Believers (Mark Tranvik) 31/1
Jan Bank with Lieve Gevers, Churches and Religion in the Second World War (Darrell Jodock) 31/2
Joachim Bauer and Stefan Michel, eds., Der “Unterricht der Visitatoren” und die Durchsetzung der Reformation in Kursachsen (Robert Kolb) 31/3
Elias Kifon Bongmba, The Routledge Companion to Christianity in Africa (Mark Nygard) 31/2
Kenneth A. Briggs, The Invisible Bestseller: Searching for the Bible in America (Mark Granquist) 31/3
Andrew Chandler, George Bell, Bishop of Chichester: Church, State, and Resistance in the Age of Dictatorship (Mark Brocker) 31/2
Richard Chartres, et al. eds., Reformation Then and Now: Contributions to the Ninth Theological Conference within the framework of the Meissen Process between the Church of England and the Evangelical Church in Germany (H. George Anderson) 31/4
Keith Clements, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ecumenical Quest (Thomas Johnson) 31/1
Derek Cooper, Introduction to World Christian History (Russell Kleckley) 31/3
Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann, eds. Reformation Commentary on Scripture: Old Testament V. 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles. (Mark Throntveit) 31/1
Peter Stebbins Craig, et al., eds. Colonial Records of the Swedish Churches in Pennsylvania, Volume 5: The Parlin Years, 1750-1759, and Volume 6-A and 6-B: The Wrangel Years, 1759-1766 (Mark Granquist) 30/4
Ingolf U. Dalferth, Transzendenz und säkulare Welt: Lebensorientierung an letzter Gegenwart (David Nelson) 31/2
Sean Doherty, Theology and Economic
Ulrich Duchrow, Mit Luther, Marx und Papst den Kapitalismus überwinden (Mirko Hall) 31/4
Margrét Eggertsdóttir, Icelandic Baroque: Poetic Art and Erudition in the Works of Hallgrímur Pétursson (Gracia Grindal) 31/4Ethics: Martin Luther and Arthur Rich in Dialogue (Robert Benne) 30/4
Carlos M. N. Eire, Reformations: The Early Modern World, 1450-1650 (Hans Hillerbrand) 31/2
Thomas A. Fudge, Jan Hus Between Time and Eternity: Reconsidering a Medieval Heretic (Louis Reith) 31/3
Gracia Grindal, Unstoppable: Norwegian Pioneers Educate Their Daughters. (Mark Granquist) 31/4
Scott W. Gustafson, At the Altar of Wall Street: The Rituals, Myths, Theologies, Sacraments, and Mission of the Religion Known as the Modern Global Economy (Guillermo Hansen) 31/1
Norm Habel, Why on Earth are you still a Lutheran? Memoirs of a heretic. (Matthew Becker) 31/4
Kenneth Hagen, The Word does Everything…(James Kroemer) 31/4
Berndt Hamm, Ablass und Reformation: Erstaunliche Kohärenzen (Robert Kolb) 31/2
Benjamin Hasselhorn, Luther Vermitteln: Reformationsgeschichte zwischen Historisierung und Aktualisierung (H. George Anderson) 31/4
Gordon L. Heath, ed., American Churches and the First World War (David Settje) 31/4
Kevin W. Hector, The Theological Project of Modernism: Faith and the Conditions of Mineness (David Nelson) 31/1
Peter A. Hendrickson, Bradley C. Jenson, and Randi H. Lundell, Luther and Bach on the Magnificat (Beth Kreitzer) 31/2
Kat Hill, Baptism, Brotherhood and Belief: Lutheranism and Anabaptism in Germany (Aaron Klink) 31/3
Paul R. Hinlicky, Divine Simplicity: Christ the Crisis of Metaphysics (Jack Kilcrease) 31/3
Thomas Albert Howard and Mark A. Noll, Protestantism after 500 Years (Thomas Farmer) 31/1
Johannes Hund, Das Augustana-Jubiläum von 1830 im Kontext von Kirchenpolitik, Theologie und kirchlichem Leben (Zachary Purvis) 31/2
Wade Johnston, An Uncompromising Gospel: Lutheranism’s First Identity Crisis and Lessons for Today (Mark Mattes) 31/2
Jonas Jonson, Nathan Söderblom: Called to Serve (Mark Granquist) 31/2
Margot Käßmann and Martin Rösel, eds. Die Bibel Martin Luthers: Ein Buch und seine Geschichte (H. George Anderson) 31/1
John D. Koch, Jr., The Distinction Between Law and Gospel as the Basis and Boundary of Theological Reflection (Joshua Miller) 31/4
U.V. Koren, U. V. Koren’s Works, Volume 3: Articles Edited by Mark DeGarmeaux et. al. (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Susan Kreutzer and Karen Nolte, eds., Deaconesses in Nursing Care:International Transfer of a Female Model of Life and Work in the 19th and 20th Century (Diane Greve) 31/4
Philip Krey and Peter Krey, editors. Reformation Commentary on Scripture: New Testament VIII: Romans 9 – 16 (Troy Troftgruben) 31/2
Michael Richard Laffin, The Promise of Martin Luther’s Political Theology: Freeing Luther from the Modern Political Narrative (Robert Benne) 31/3
Peter J. Leithart, The End of Protestantism: Pursuing Unity in a Fragmented Church (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Volker Leppin, ed. Reformatorische Theologie und Autoritäten (Jason Lane) 31/2
Volker Leppin, Transformationen: Studien zu den Wandlungsprozessen in Theologie und Frömmigkeit zwischen Spätmittelalter und Reformation (Martin Lohrmann) 31/4
Athina Lexutt, A Year with Luther: From the Great Reformer for our Times (Mark Mattes) 31/2
Carter Lindberg and Paul Wee, eds., The Forgotten Luther: Reclaiming the Social-Economic Dimension of the Reformation (Deanna Thompson) 31/2
D. Stephen Long, The Perfectly Simple Triune God: Aquinas and His Legacy (David Nelson) 31/4
David Luebke, Hometown Religion: Regimes of Coexistence in Early Modern Westphalia (Michael Halvorson) 31/3
Martin Luther, Small Catechism apps created by Augsburg Fortress and Concordia Publishing House (Ken Jones) 31/2
Martin Luther, The Annotated Luther: Volume One. Ed. Timothy J. Wengert. The Annotated Luther: Volume Two. Ed. Kirsi Stjerna (David Whitford) 31/4
Ronald F. Marshall, Kierkegaard in the Pulpit: Sermons Inspired by His Writings (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Timothy Maschke, Called to be Holy in the World: An Introduction to Christian History (Phillip Brandt) 31/3
Gerald R. McDermott, ed. The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel & the Land (Mark Mattes) 31/2
Philip Melanchthon, The Wittenberg Reformation (Timothy Wengert) 31/4
Susi-Hilde Michael, Der Katechismus des David Chytraeus: Edition und Übersetzung (Timothy Wengert) 31/2
Marius Timmann Mjaaland, The Hidden God: Luther, Philosophy, and Political Theology (Gregory Walter) 31/4
Stephen Pietsch, Of Good Comfort: Martin Luther’s Letters to the Depressed and their Significance for Pastoral Care Today (John Pless) 31/3
Thorsten Prill, Luther, Calvin and the Mission of the Church: The Mission Theology and Practice of the Protestant Reformers (Mark Nygard) 31/4
Zachary Purvis, Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany (Jack Kilcrease) 31/4
Susan Richter and Armin Kohle, eds. Herrschaft und Glaubenswechsel: Die Fürsten-reformation im Reich und in Europa in 28 Biographien (Kurt Stadtwald) 31/4
Thomas Ries and Bruce Corrie, eds. Leading with the Spirit: A Handbook on Leadership and Management for Clergy (Paul Koch) 31/4
Mark Safstrom, The Religious Origins of Democratic Pluralism: Paul Peter Waldenstrom and the Politics of the Swedish Awakening, 1868-1917 (Mark Granquist) 31/3
Robert Cady Saler, Theologia Crucis: A Companion to the Theology of the Cross (John Hoyum) 31/4
Heinz Schilling, Der Reformator Martin Luther 2017: Eine wissenschaftliche und gedenkpolitische Bestandsaufnahme (Jonathan Mumme) 31/2
Friedrich Schleiermacher, translated by Terrence N. Tice et al., Christian Faith – A New Translation and Critical Edition 2 Vols. (David Nelson) 31/4
Edmund Schlink, Ecumenical and Confessional Writings: The Coming Christ and Church Tradition and After the Council. Edmund Schlink Works, Volume 1. Edited by Matthew L. Becker (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Timothy Schmeling, Lives & Writings of the Great Fathers of the Lutheran Church (Mark Mattes) 31/1
Ulrich Schoentube, Gospel in Transformation. Rethinking of Gossner’s Insights, Lutheran Heritage in relation to Mission (Robert Kolb) 31/3
Robert Schreiter and Knud Jorgensen, eds. Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation (Gaylan Mathiesen) 31/1
Edward Schroeder, Gift and Promise: The Augsburg Confession & the Heart of Christian Theology. Ronald Neustadt and Stephen Hitchcock, eds. (Mark Mattes) 31/1
Herman Selderhuis, Reformation Commentary, vol. 6 Psalms 1-72 (Michael Chan) 31/3
Herman J. Selderhuis and Ernst-Joachim Waschke, eds., Reformation und Rationalitaet (Benjamin Mayes) 31/4
Friedemann Stengel and Jörg Ulrich, eds., Kirche und Krieg: Ambivalenzen in der Theologie (H. David Baer) 31/3
Friedemann Stengel, Sola scriptura im Kontext: Behauptung und Bestreitung des reformatorischen Schriftprinzips (Kurt Hendel) 31/4
Kirsi Stjerna and Brooks Schramm, eds. Encounters with Luther: New Directions for Critical Studies (Mark Mattes) 31/2
Paul Sponheim, Existing Before God: Soren Kierkegaard and the Human Venture (Ronald Marshall) 31/2
Helmut Thielicke, A Little Exercise for Young Theologians (Bud Thompson) 31/1
Mark Tietjen, Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians (Walter Wietzke) 31/1
Bengt Kristensson Uggla, Becoming Human Again: The Theological Life of Gustaf Wingren (Mary Anderson) 31/3
Kevin J. Vanhoozer , Biblical Authority after Babel: Retrieving the Solas in the Spirit of Mere Protestant Christianity (Mark Mattes) 31/3
Gene Veith, Working For Our Neighbor: A Lutheran Primer on Vocation, Economics, and Ordinary Life (Mark Tranvik) 31/2
Vítor Westhelle, Transfiguring Luther: The Planetary Promise of Luther’s Theology (Mark Mattes) 31/1
Andrew Wilson, Here I Walk: A Thousand Miles on Foot to Rome with Martin Luther (Sherry Jordon) 31/4
Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, A Guide to Pentecostal Movements for Lutherans (Christopher Richmann) 31/2
N. T. Wright, Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision (Mark Schuler) 31/1