2016 Reviews
Reviews Completed in 2016
Book Reviews Published in LQ Volume 30 (2016) Alphabetical by book author (reviewer in parentheses)
Michael Allen and Jonathan A. Linebaugh, eds., Reformation Readings of Paul: Explorations in History and Exegesis (Martin Lohrmann) 30/3
Sabine Arend and Gerald Doerner, eds. Ordnungen fuer die Kirche – Wirkungen auf die Welt (Robert Kolb) 30/2
Tyler Atkinson, Singing at the Winepress: Ecclesiastes and the Ethics of Work (Mark Tranvik) 30/2
H. David Baer, Recovering Christian Realism: Just War Theory as a Political Ethic (Maurice Lee) 30/1
H. Gaylon Barker, The Cross of Reality: Luther’s Theologia Crucis and Bonhoeffer’s Christology (Mark Mattes) 30/1
Matthew L. Becker, Fundamental Theology. A Protestant Perspective (Gregory Walter) 30/1
Matthew L. Becker, ed. Nineteenth-Century Lutheran Theologians. (Joshua Miller) 30/4
John S. Benson, Missionary Families Find a Sense of Place and Identity: Two Generations on Two Continents (Mark Nygard) 30/2
Niclas Blåder, Lutheran Tradition as Heritage and Tool: An Empirical Study of Reflections on Confessional Identity in Five Lutheran Churches in Different Contexts (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Brian Brock and Michael Mawson, eds. The Freedom of a Christian Ethicist: The Future of a Reformation Legacy (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Johannes Bugenhagen, Johannes Bugenhagen: Selected Writings 2 vols. edited by Kurt K. Hendel (Amy Nelson Burnett) 30/2
Kyle T. Bulthuis, Four Steeples Over The City Streets: Religion and Society in New York’s Early Republic Congregations (Mark Granquist) 30/1
Eric Chafe, Tears into Wine: J.S. Bach’s Cantata 21 in its Musical and Theological Contexts (Paul Westermeyer) 30/3
David Congdon, The Mission of Demythologizing: Rudolf Bultmann’s Dialetical Theology (David Nelson) 30/3
George B. Connell, Kierkegaard and the Paradox of Religious Diversity (Ron Marshall) 30/4
David J. Courey, What has Wittenberg to do with Azusa? Luther’s Theology of the Cross and Pentecostal Triumphalism (Christopher Richmann) 30/2
Peter Stebbins Craig, et al., eds. Colonial Records of the Swedish Churches in Pennsylvania, Volume 5: The Parlin Years, 1750-1759, and Volume 6-A and 6-B: The Wrangel Years, 1759-1766. (Mark Granquist) 30/4
Ingolf Dalferth, Crucified and Resurrected: Restructuring the Grammar of Christology (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Irene Dingel and Armin Kohnle, eds. Gute Ordnung: Ordnungsmodelle und Ordnungsvorstellungen in der Reformationszeit (Jeffrey Jaynes) 30/1
Irene Dingel, et al. Meilensteine der Reformation (Jonathan Mumme) 30/3
Pietro U. Dini, >>Ins Undeudsche Gebracht<< Sprachgebrauch und Uebersetzungsverfahren im Altpreussischen >Kleinen Katechismus< (Austra Reinis) 30/2
Sean Doherty, Theology and Economic Ethics: Martin Luther and Arthur Rich in Dialogue (Robert Benne) 30/4
Tim Dowley, Atlas of the European Reformations (Mary Jane Haemig) 30/1
Ben Durheim, Christ’s Gift, Our Response (Jared Yogerst) 30/3
Konrad Eisenbichler,ed., Collaboration, Conflict, and Continuity in the Reformation: Essays in Honour of James M. Estes… (Susan Mobley) 30/3
Anne Eusterschulte and Hannah Wälzholz, Anthropological Reformations – Anthropology in the Era of Reformation (Mark Mattes) 30/3
James W. Freese, Paul O. Manz: The Enduring Legacy of the Hymn Festival (David Mennicke) 30/3
Daniel Gehrt/ Volker Leppin, eds. Paul Eber (1511-1569): Humanist und Theologe der zweiten Generation der Wittenberger Reformation (Jason Lane) 30/1
Johann Gerhard, On the Law transl. by Richard Dinda (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Brian A. Gerrish, Christian Faith: Dogmatics in Outline (Mark Mattes) 30/1
Patrick Gray, Paul as a Problem in History and Culture: The Apostle and His Critics through the Centuries (Arland Hultgren) 30/4
Gregory B. Graybill, The Honeycomb Scroll: Philipp Melanchthon at the Dawn of the Reformation (Timothy Wengert) 30/3
Mark Greengrass, Christendom Destroyed: Europe 1517-1648 (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Carl-Henric Grenholm and Göran Gunnar, eds., Lutheran Identity and Political Theology (Mark Mattes) 30/3
Gracia Grindal, Sister Elisabeth Fedde: “To do the Lord’s will” Elisabeth Fedde and the Deaconess Movement among the Norwegians in America. (Rhoda Schuler) 30/1
Phillip N. Haberkern, Patron Saint and Prophet: Jan Hus in the Bohemian and German Reformations (Roy Hammerling) 30/4
Ann Haut, ed., Jesus is Risen:Theology for the Church: The Lifework and Teaching of the Rev. Dr. Walter R. Bouman Thd (Winston Persaud) 30/3
Christine Helmer and Bo Kristian Holm, eds. Lutherrenaissance Past and Present. (Mark Mattes) 30/1
Jan-Olav Henriksen, Life, Love, and Hope: God and Human Experience (Mary Gaebler) 30/2
Margit Herfarth, Leben in Zwei Welten: Die Amerikanische Diakonissenbewegung und ihre Deutschen Wurzeln (Deborah Graf) 30/1
Andrea Hofmann, Psalmenrezeption im reformatorischen Liedgut: Entstehung, Gestalt und konfessionale Eigenarten des Psalmliedes, 1523-1650 (Kurt Hendel) 30/4
Kate Allen and John E. Ingulsrud, The Norwegian-American Lutheran Experience in 1950s Japan: Stepping Up to the Cold War Challenge (Paul Martinson) 30/3
Matthew D. Kirkpatrick, ed., Engaging Bonhoeffer: The Impact and Influence of Bonhoeffer’s Life and Thought. (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Nancy Koester, Introduction to the History of Christianity in the United States revised edition (Mark Granquist) 30/2
Robert Kolb, Irene Dingel, and Lubomir Batka, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology (Carl Trueman) 30/1
U.V. Koren, U.V. Koren’s Works, vol. 2: Addresses edited by Mark DeGarmeaux (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Harvey C. Kwiyani, Sent Forth: African Mission Work in the West (Gaylen Mathiesen) 30/2
Michael Lieb, et al, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Reception History of the Bible (Kathryn Schifferdecker) 30/1
Wilhelm Loehe, The Pastor (Mark Mattes) 30/1
F. Donald Logan, University Education of the Parochial Clergy in Medieval England: The Lincoln Diocese, c. 1300-c. 1350 (Richard Serina) 30/2
Martin Luther, Annotations on Matthew, Chapter 1 – 18. Sermons on the Gospel of St. Matthew, Chapter 18. Luther’s Works, vol. 67 (Mark Mattes) 30/3
Martin Luther, Luther’s Works vols. 76, 77, and 78 Church Postil II, III, and IV Edited by Benjamin T.G. Mayes and James L. Langebartels (Mary Jane Haemig) 30/4
Piotr J. Małysz and Derek R. Nelson, eds, Luther Refracted. The Reformer’s Ecumenical Legacy (Mark Tranvik) 30/4
Michael Marissen, Bach and God (Paul Westermeyer) 30/4
Gerald R. McDermott, ed. The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel & the Land (Mark Mattes)
Paul C. McGlasson, Church Doctrine Volume 3: Creation (Mark Tranvik) 30/4
Gilbert C. Meilaender, Not by Nature but by Grace: Forming Families through Adoption (Mark Mattes) 30/4
James van Horn Melton, Religion, Community, and Slavery on the Colonial Southern Frontier (Russell Kleckley) 30/2
Joshua Miller, Hanging by a Promise: The Hidden God in the Theology of Oswald Bayer (Jeff Silcock) 30/2
Carsten Mish, Otto Scheel (1876-1954). Eine biographische Studie zu Lutherforschung, Landeshistoriographie und deutsch-dänischen Beziehungen (Robert Kolb) 30/4
Jürgen Moltmann, The Living God and the Fullness of Life (Joshua Miller) 30/4
Glenn L. Monson, Afflicting the Comfortable, Comforting the Afflicted: A Guide to Law and Gospel Preaching (Tom Park) 30/4
John Warwick Montgomery and Gene Edward Veith, eds. Where Christ is Present: A Theology for All Seasons on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (Jack Kilcrease) 30/1
Robert B. Munson, The Nature of Christianity in Northern Tanzania: Environmental and social Change 1890—1916 (Stephen Volz) 30/2
George Murphy, Models of Atonement (Ernest Simmons) 30/1
Dennis Ngien, Fruit for the Soul: Luther on the Lament Psalms (Troy Troftgruben) 30/4
Stefan Oehmig, Buchdruck und Buchkultur im Wittenberg der Reformationszeit (Louis Reith) 30/4
Roger E. Olson and Christian T. Collins Winn, eds. Reclaiming Pietism: Retrieving an Evangelical Tradition (Mark Granquist) 30/1
Robert A. Orsi, History and Presence (Mark Mattes) 30/3
Sara S. Poor and Nigel Smith, eds. Mysticism and Reform: 1400-1759 (Paul Ingram) 30/1
Franz Posset, Unser Martin. Martin Luther aus der Sicht katholischer Sympathisanten (Kurt Hendel) 30/1
David W. Rogner, Dawnlight Breaks: The Hymn Texts and Translations of F. Samuel Janzow (Robin Gehl) 30/4
Andrew Root, Bonhoeffer as Youth Worker: A Theological Vision for Discipleship and Life Together (Mark Brocker) 30/1
Mark Safstrom, The Swedish Pietists: A Reader (Mark Granquist) 30/1
Robert C. Saler, Between Magisterium and Marketplace: A Constructive Account of Theology and the Church (Cheryl Peterson) 30/4
Leopoldo A. Sanchez M., Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God’s Spirit: Jesus’ Life in the Spirit as a Lens for Theology and Life (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Daniel J. Schmidt, Der Homiletische Entwurf von Gerhard Aho (1923-1987): Studie zur Rekonstruktion eines Nordamerikanischen Lutherischen Predigtkonzepts (Thomas Jacobson) 30/4
Matthias Schönhofer, ed., Letters from an American Botanist. The Correspondences of Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Mühlenberg(1753-1815). (A.G. Roeber) 30/1
Joy A. Schroeder, transl. and ed., The Bible in Medieval Tradition: The Book of Genesis (Miles Hopgood) 30/2
Reinhard Schwarz, Martin Luther – Lehrer der christlichen Religion (Carter Lindberg) 30/4
Frank C. Senn, Embodied Liturgy: Lessons in Christian Ritual (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Steven Shakespeare, Kierkegaard and the Refusal of Transcendence (Ron Marshall) 30/4
Douglas H. Shantz, A Companion to German Pietism, 1660-1800 (Walter Sundberg) 30/3
Simone Sinn and Michael Reid Trice, Religious Identity and Renewal in the Twenty-first Century: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Explorations (Hans Gustafson) 30/4
Elizabeth Tingle and Jonathan Willis eds., Dying, Death, Burial and Commemoration in Reformation Europe (Anna Johnson) 30/2
Mark Tranvik, Martin Luther and the Called Life (Robert Benne) 30/3
Carl R. Trueman, Luther on the Christian Life (Robert Benne) 30/1
Mats Wahlberg, Revelation as Testimony: A Philosophical-Theological Study. (Mark Mattes) 29/4
J. Francis Watson, The Nazi Spy Pastor: Carl Krepper and the War in America. (Richard Johnson) 30/1
J.R. Watson, et al., eds. The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology [web-based] (Gracia Grindal) 30/1
Sam Wellman, Frederick the Wise. Seen and Unseen Lives of Martin Luther’s Protector (William Wright) 30/1
A. Edward Wesley and J. Christopher Edwards, Literature of Luther: Receptions of the Reformer (Josh Miller) 30/1
Stephen Westerholm and Martin Westerholm, Reading Sacred Scripture: Voices from the History of Biblical Interpretation (Roy Harrisville III) 30/4
Cláucia Vasconcelos Wilkey, Worship and Culture: Foreign Country or Homeland? (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Reggie Williams, Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus: Harlem Renaissance Theology and an Ethic of Resistance (Paul Hillmer) 30/2
Eike Wolgast, Die Einfuehrung der Reformation und das Schicksal der Kloester im Reich und in Europa (Beth Plummer) 30/1
Nicholas Wolterstorff, The God We Worship: An Exploration of Liturgical Theology (Chris Angel) 30/4
Sabine Arend and Gerald Doerner, eds. Ordnungen fuer die Kirche – Wirkungen auf die Welt (Robert Kolb) 30/2
Tyler Atkinson, Singing at the Winepress: Ecclesiastes and the Ethics of Work (Mark Tranvik) 30/2
H. David Baer, Recovering Christian Realism: Just War Theory as a Political Ethic (Maurice Lee) 30/1
H. Gaylon Barker, The Cross of Reality: Luther’s Theologia Crucis and Bonhoeffer’s Christology (Mark Mattes) 30/1
Matthew L. Becker, Fundamental Theology. A Protestant Perspective (Gregory Walter) 30/1
Matthew L. Becker, ed. Nineteenth-Century Lutheran Theologians. (Joshua Miller) 30/4
John S. Benson, Missionary Families Find a Sense of Place and Identity: Two Generations on Two Continents (Mark Nygard) 30/2
Niclas Blåder, Lutheran Tradition as Heritage and Tool: An Empirical Study of Reflections on Confessional Identity in Five Lutheran Churches in Different Contexts (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Brian Brock and Michael Mawson, eds. The Freedom of a Christian Ethicist: The Future of a Reformation Legacy (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Johannes Bugenhagen, Johannes Bugenhagen: Selected Writings 2 vols. edited by Kurt K. Hendel (Amy Nelson Burnett) 30/2
Kyle T. Bulthuis, Four Steeples Over The City Streets: Religion and Society in New York’s Early Republic Congregations (Mark Granquist) 30/1
Eric Chafe, Tears into Wine: J.S. Bach’s Cantata 21 in its Musical and Theological Contexts (Paul Westermeyer) 30/3
David Congdon, The Mission of Demythologizing: Rudolf Bultmann’s Dialetical Theology (David Nelson) 30/3
George B. Connell, Kierkegaard and the Paradox of Religious Diversity (Ron Marshall) 30/4
David J. Courey, What has Wittenberg to do with Azusa? Luther’s Theology of the Cross and Pentecostal Triumphalism (Christopher Richmann) 30/2
Peter Stebbins Craig, et al., eds. Colonial Records of the Swedish Churches in Pennsylvania, Volume 5: The Parlin Years, 1750-1759, and Volume 6-A and 6-B: The Wrangel Years, 1759-1766. (Mark Granquist) 30/4
Ingolf Dalferth, Crucified and Resurrected: Restructuring the Grammar of Christology (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Irene Dingel and Armin Kohnle, eds. Gute Ordnung: Ordnungsmodelle und Ordnungsvorstellungen in der Reformationszeit (Jeffrey Jaynes) 30/1
Irene Dingel, et al. Meilensteine der Reformation (Jonathan Mumme) 30/3
Pietro U. Dini, >>Ins Undeudsche Gebracht<< Sprachgebrauch und Uebersetzungsverfahren im Altpreussischen >Kleinen Katechismus< (Austra Reinis) 30/2
Sean Doherty, Theology and Economic Ethics: Martin Luther and Arthur Rich in Dialogue (Robert Benne) 30/4
Tim Dowley, Atlas of the European Reformations (Mary Jane Haemig) 30/1
Ben Durheim, Christ’s Gift, Our Response (Jared Yogerst) 30/3
Konrad Eisenbichler,ed., Collaboration, Conflict, and Continuity in the Reformation: Essays in Honour of James M. Estes… (Susan Mobley) 30/3
Anne Eusterschulte and Hannah Wälzholz, Anthropological Reformations – Anthropology in the Era of Reformation (Mark Mattes) 30/3
James W. Freese, Paul O. Manz: The Enduring Legacy of the Hymn Festival (David Mennicke) 30/3
Daniel Gehrt/ Volker Leppin, eds. Paul Eber (1511-1569): Humanist und Theologe der zweiten Generation der Wittenberger Reformation (Jason Lane) 30/1
Johann Gerhard, On the Law transl. by Richard Dinda (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Brian A. Gerrish, Christian Faith: Dogmatics in Outline (Mark Mattes) 30/1
Patrick Gray, Paul as a Problem in History and Culture: The Apostle and His Critics through the Centuries (Arland Hultgren) 30/4
Gregory B. Graybill, The Honeycomb Scroll: Philipp Melanchthon at the Dawn of the Reformation (Timothy Wengert) 30/3
Mark Greengrass, Christendom Destroyed: Europe 1517-1648 (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Carl-Henric Grenholm and Göran Gunnar, eds., Lutheran Identity and Political Theology (Mark Mattes) 30/3
Gracia Grindal, Sister Elisabeth Fedde: “To do the Lord’s will” Elisabeth Fedde and the Deaconess Movement among the Norwegians in America. (Rhoda Schuler) 30/1
Phillip N. Haberkern, Patron Saint and Prophet: Jan Hus in the Bohemian and German Reformations (Roy Hammerling) 30/4
Ann Haut, ed., Jesus is Risen:Theology for the Church: The Lifework and Teaching of the Rev. Dr. Walter R. Bouman Thd (Winston Persaud) 30/3
Christine Helmer and Bo Kristian Holm, eds. Lutherrenaissance Past and Present. (Mark Mattes) 30/1
Jan-Olav Henriksen, Life, Love, and Hope: God and Human Experience (Mary Gaebler) 30/2
Margit Herfarth, Leben in Zwei Welten: Die Amerikanische Diakonissenbewegung und ihre Deutschen Wurzeln (Deborah Graf) 30/1
Andrea Hofmann, Psalmenrezeption im reformatorischen Liedgut: Entstehung, Gestalt und konfessionale Eigenarten des Psalmliedes, 1523-1650 (Kurt Hendel) 30/4
Kate Allen and John E. Ingulsrud, The Norwegian-American Lutheran Experience in 1950s Japan: Stepping Up to the Cold War Challenge (Paul Martinson) 30/3
Matthew D. Kirkpatrick, ed., Engaging Bonhoeffer: The Impact and Influence of Bonhoeffer’s Life and Thought. (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Nancy Koester, Introduction to the History of Christianity in the United States revised edition (Mark Granquist) 30/2
Robert Kolb, Irene Dingel, and Lubomir Batka, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology (Carl Trueman) 30/1
U.V. Koren, U.V. Koren’s Works, vol. 2: Addresses edited by Mark DeGarmeaux (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Harvey C. Kwiyani, Sent Forth: African Mission Work in the West (Gaylen Mathiesen) 30/2
Michael Lieb, et al, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Reception History of the Bible (Kathryn Schifferdecker) 30/1
Wilhelm Loehe, The Pastor (Mark Mattes) 30/1
F. Donald Logan, University Education of the Parochial Clergy in Medieval England: The Lincoln Diocese, c. 1300-c. 1350 (Richard Serina) 30/2
Martin Luther, Annotations on Matthew, Chapter 1 – 18. Sermons on the Gospel of St. Matthew, Chapter 18. Luther’s Works, vol. 67 (Mark Mattes) 30/3
Martin Luther, Luther’s Works vols. 76, 77, and 78 Church Postil II, III, and IV Edited by Benjamin T.G. Mayes and James L. Langebartels (Mary Jane Haemig) 30/4
Piotr J. Małysz and Derek R. Nelson, eds, Luther Refracted. The Reformer’s Ecumenical Legacy (Mark Tranvik) 30/4
Michael Marissen, Bach and God (Paul Westermeyer) 30/4
Gerald R. McDermott, ed. The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel & the Land (Mark Mattes)
Paul C. McGlasson, Church Doctrine Volume 3: Creation (Mark Tranvik) 30/4
Gilbert C. Meilaender, Not by Nature but by Grace: Forming Families through Adoption (Mark Mattes) 30/4
James van Horn Melton, Religion, Community, and Slavery on the Colonial Southern Frontier (Russell Kleckley) 30/2
Joshua Miller, Hanging by a Promise: The Hidden God in the Theology of Oswald Bayer (Jeff Silcock) 30/2
Carsten Mish, Otto Scheel (1876-1954). Eine biographische Studie zu Lutherforschung, Landeshistoriographie und deutsch-dänischen Beziehungen (Robert Kolb) 30/4
Jürgen Moltmann, The Living God and the Fullness of Life (Joshua Miller) 30/4
Glenn L. Monson, Afflicting the Comfortable, Comforting the Afflicted: A Guide to Law and Gospel Preaching (Tom Park) 30/4
John Warwick Montgomery and Gene Edward Veith, eds. Where Christ is Present: A Theology for All Seasons on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (Jack Kilcrease) 30/1
Robert B. Munson, The Nature of Christianity in Northern Tanzania: Environmental and social Change 1890—1916 (Stephen Volz) 30/2
George Murphy, Models of Atonement (Ernest Simmons) 30/1
Dennis Ngien, Fruit for the Soul: Luther on the Lament Psalms (Troy Troftgruben) 30/4
Stefan Oehmig, Buchdruck und Buchkultur im Wittenberg der Reformationszeit (Louis Reith) 30/4
Roger E. Olson and Christian T. Collins Winn, eds. Reclaiming Pietism: Retrieving an Evangelical Tradition (Mark Granquist) 30/1
Robert A. Orsi, History and Presence (Mark Mattes) 30/3
Sara S. Poor and Nigel Smith, eds. Mysticism and Reform: 1400-1759 (Paul Ingram) 30/1
Franz Posset, Unser Martin. Martin Luther aus der Sicht katholischer Sympathisanten (Kurt Hendel) 30/1
David W. Rogner, Dawnlight Breaks: The Hymn Texts and Translations of F. Samuel Janzow (Robin Gehl) 30/4
Andrew Root, Bonhoeffer as Youth Worker: A Theological Vision for Discipleship and Life Together (Mark Brocker) 30/1
Mark Safstrom, The Swedish Pietists: A Reader (Mark Granquist) 30/1
Robert C. Saler, Between Magisterium and Marketplace: A Constructive Account of Theology and the Church (Cheryl Peterson) 30/4
Leopoldo A. Sanchez M., Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God’s Spirit: Jesus’ Life in the Spirit as a Lens for Theology and Life (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Daniel J. Schmidt, Der Homiletische Entwurf von Gerhard Aho (1923-1987): Studie zur Rekonstruktion eines Nordamerikanischen Lutherischen Predigtkonzepts (Thomas Jacobson) 30/4
Matthias Schönhofer, ed., Letters from an American Botanist. The Correspondences of Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Mühlenberg(1753-1815). (A.G. Roeber) 30/1
Joy A. Schroeder, transl. and ed., The Bible in Medieval Tradition: The Book of Genesis (Miles Hopgood) 30/2
Reinhard Schwarz, Martin Luther – Lehrer der christlichen Religion (Carter Lindberg) 30/4
Frank C. Senn, Embodied Liturgy: Lessons in Christian Ritual (Mark Mattes) 30/4
Steven Shakespeare, Kierkegaard and the Refusal of Transcendence (Ron Marshall) 30/4
Douglas H. Shantz, A Companion to German Pietism, 1660-1800 (Walter Sundberg) 30/3
Simone Sinn and Michael Reid Trice, Religious Identity and Renewal in the Twenty-first Century: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Explorations (Hans Gustafson) 30/4
Elizabeth Tingle and Jonathan Willis eds., Dying, Death, Burial and Commemoration in Reformation Europe (Anna Johnson) 30/2
Mark Tranvik, Martin Luther and the Called Life (Robert Benne) 30/3
Carl R. Trueman, Luther on the Christian Life (Robert Benne) 30/1
Mats Wahlberg, Revelation as Testimony: A Philosophical-Theological Study. (Mark Mattes) 29/4
J. Francis Watson, The Nazi Spy Pastor: Carl Krepper and the War in America. (Richard Johnson) 30/1
J.R. Watson, et al., eds. The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology [web-based] (Gracia Grindal) 30/1
Sam Wellman, Frederick the Wise. Seen and Unseen Lives of Martin Luther’s Protector (William Wright) 30/1
A. Edward Wesley and J. Christopher Edwards, Literature of Luther: Receptions of the Reformer (Josh Miller) 30/1
Stephen Westerholm and Martin Westerholm, Reading Sacred Scripture: Voices from the History of Biblical Interpretation (Roy Harrisville III) 30/4
Cláucia Vasconcelos Wilkey, Worship and Culture: Foreign Country or Homeland? (Mark Mattes) 30/2
Reggie Williams, Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus: Harlem Renaissance Theology and an Ethic of Resistance (Paul Hillmer) 30/2
Eike Wolgast, Die Einfuehrung der Reformation und das Schicksal der Kloester im Reich und in Europa (Beth Plummer) 30/1
Nicholas Wolterstorff, The God We Worship: An Exploration of Liturgical Theology (Chris Angel) 30/4