2021 Reviews
Reviews Published in 2021
Under the leadership of book review editors Mary Jane Haemig and Suzanne Hequet, Lutheran Quarterly published 83 book reviews in Volume 35 (2021). The list below gives the publication information of each book reviewed. The reviewer's name appears in parentheses, followed by the Volume/number of the review.
Reviews published in 2021 35/1 – 35/4 (Total: 83)
Charles P. Arand, Erik H. Herrmann, and Daniel L. Mattson, eds., From Wittenberg to the World. Essays on the Reformation and Its Legacy in Honor of Robert Kolb (Jeffrey Silcock) 35/2
Heinrich Assel and Bruce L. McCormack, eds., Luther, Barth, and Movements of Theological Renewal (1918-1933) (Mark Mattes) 35/4
Christopher D. Bader, et al., Fear Itself: The Causes and Consequences of Fear in America (Mark Mattes) 35/1
Christoph Barnbrock and Christian Neddens, Simul-Existenz: Spuren reformatorischer Anthropologie (Jonathan Mumme) 35/3
Carl L. Beckwith, ed., Martin Luther’s Basic Exegetical Writings (Martin Lohrmann) 35/3
Joseph Bocko et al., Luther’s Small Catechism with African Descent Reflections (Timothy Wengert) 35/2
Carl E. Braaten, The Christian Faith (Winston Persaud) 35/4
Elisabeth Braw, God’s Spies: The Stasi’s Cold War Espionage Campaign Inside the Church (H. David Baer) 35/2
Gerald L. Bray, Doing Theology with the Reformers (Joshua Miller) 35/2
Christopher Boyd Brown, ed., Luther’s Works: Companion Volume. Sixteenth-Century Biographies of Martin Luther. (Timothy Wengert) 35/4
Henning Bühmann, Die Stunde der Volksmission: Rekristianierungsbestrebungen im deutschen Protestantismus in der Zwischenkriegszeit (Robert Kolb) 35/4
Christopher Chalamet, ed., The Challenge of History: Readings in Modern Theology (Mark Mattes) 35/2
Robert Christman, The Dynamics of the Early Reformation in their Reformed Augustinian Context (Vincent Evener) 35/2
David Lawrence Coe, Kierkegaard and Luther (Ron Marshall) 35/3
John W. Compton, The End of Empathy: Why White Protestants Stopped Loving Their Neighbors (Mark Mattes) 35/1
Richard Cross, Communicatio Idiomatum: Reformation Christological Debates (Aaron Moldenhauer) 35/4
Christu Das, Lutherans in Kerala (Paul Rajashekar) 35/2
Justin Davis, Pietism and the Foundations of the Modern World (Walter Sundberg) 35/2
Benjamin Dueholm, Sacred Signposts: Words, Water, and other Acts of Resistance (Matthew Stuhlmuller) 35/1
Helmut Edelmann, vol. 1 Die Evangelisch-Lutherische Predigerseminar der Pastoren für Amerika in Breklum 1882 bis 1931: Beiträge zum Amerikaseminar Breklum; vol. 2 Brüderporträtbuch der Pastoren für Amerika des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Amerikaseminars Breklum (Eintritte von 1882 – 1930/31); vol. 3 Dem Glauben ein Gesicht geben: Lutherisch? Lutheran? Ein vergleichende Studie zur Rechtfertigungsbotschaft und zum Amtverständnis zwischen den Lutherischen Kirchen in Nord-Amerika und in Deutschland – und die Genese der lutherischen Kirchwerdung in Nordamerika/USA. (Mary Jane Haemig) 35/4
Stephen Evans, Kierkegaard and Spirituality: Accountability as the Meaning of Human Existence (Ron Marshall) 35/1
Vincent Evener, Enemies of the Cross: Suffering, Truth, and Mysticism in the Early Reformation (Amy Nelson Burnett) 35/3
Wolfgang Flügel, Pastoren aus Halle und ihre Gemeinden in Pennsylvania 1742-1820: Deutsche Lutheraner zwischen Persistenz und Assimilation (Martin Lohrmann) 35/3
Javier A. Garcia, Recovering the Ecumenical Bonhoeffer: Thinking after the Tradition (John Matthews) 35/1
Lee Gatiss and Bradley G. Green, eds., Reformation Commentary on Scripture New Testament XII: 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon (Amy Lindeman Allen) 35/1
Daniel Gehrt and Kathrin Paasch, eds., Friedrich Myconius (1490-1546). Vom Franziskaner zum Reformator (Robert Kolb) 35/2
Friedhelm Gleiß, Die Weimarer Disputation von 1560. Theologische Konsenssuche und Konfessionspolitik Johann Friedrichs des Mittlern (Robert Kolb) 35/2
Patrick Graham and David Bagchi, eds., Luther as Heretic. Ten Catholic Responses to Martin Luther, 1518-1541 (Robert Kolb) 35/2
Mark Granquist, A History of Luther Seminary, 1869-2019 (Mark Mattes) 35/1
Fabian Grassl, In the Face of Death: Thielicke – Theologian, Preacher, Boundary Rider (Jacob Corzine) 35/2
Torbjorn Greipsland, To the Ends of the Earth (Gaylan Mathiesen) 35/3
Wolfgang Günter, Reform und Reformation: Geschichte der deutschen Reformkongregation der Augustinereremiten (1432-1539) (Louis Reith) 35/2
Alastair Hannay, Kierkegaard: Existence and Identity in a Post-Secular World (Ron Marshall) 35/3
Roy Harrisville III, The Faith of St. Paul: Transformative Gift of Divine Power (Maurice Lee) 35/1
David Bentley Hart, That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell and Universal Salvation (Jack Kilcrease) 35/3
Christine Helmer, ed., The Medieval Luther (Mark Mattes) 35/3
Paul R. Hinlicky, Lutheran Theology (John D. Koch) 35/4
Matthew D. Hockenos, Then They Came for Me: Martin Niemöller, the Pastor Who Defied the Nazis (Mark Brocker) 35/2
Anders Holm, The Essential N.F.S. Grundtvig (H. George Anderson) 35/3
Stephen Hultgren et al., eds., Luther@500 and Beyond: Martin Luther’s Theology Past, Present & Future (Mark Mattes) 35/1
Gordon L. Isaacs, Prayer, Meditation & Spiritual Trial: Luther’s Account of Life in the Spirit (Steven Bielenberg) 35/2
Philip Jenkins, Fertility and Faith: The Demographic Revolution and the Transformation of World Religions (Robert Benne) 35/4
Marjo Kaartinen et al, eds., Intertwined Histories: 150 Years of Finnish-Namibian Relations (Mark Nygard) 35/4
Mikko Kauko, et al., eds., Languages in the Lutheran Reformation: Textual Networks and the Spread of Ideas (Mary Jane Haemig) 35/2
Werner Klän, et al., eds., Bekenntnisbildung und Bekenntnisbindung: Bestimmung und Geltung von abgeleiteten Grundsätzen im Normengefüge lutherischer Kirchen (Jacob Corzine) 35/1
Ingo Klitzsch, Redaktion und Memoria. Die Lutherbilder der „Tischreden“ (Robert Kolb) 35/2
Robert Kolb, Luther’s Treatise on Christian Freedom and Its Legacy (Mark Tranvik) 35/2
Robert Kolb and Charles Arand, The Way of Concord: From Historic Text to Contemporary Witness (Suzanne Hequet) 35/2
Simon Kuntze, Die Mündlichkeit der Schrift. Eine Rekonstruktion des lutherischen Schriftprinzips (Robert Kolb) 35/3
Gordon Lathrop, Saving Images: The Presence of the Bible in Christian Liturgy (Aaron Klink) 35/1
Jenny Wiley Legath, Sanctified Sisters: A History of Protestant Deaconesses (L. DeAne Lagerquist) 35/1
Carsten Linden and Craig Nessan, Paul Leo, lutherischer Pastor mit jüdischen Wurzeln (1893-1958) (Robert Kolb) 35/1
Frieder Ludwig, et al., eds., Reformation in the Context of World Christianity: Theological, Political and social interactions between Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe (H. George Anderson) 35/1
Jonas Lundblad, Mattias Lundberg, and Maria Schildt, eds. Celebrating Lutheran Music: Scholarly Perspectives at the Quincentenary (Steven Wente) 35/2
Martin Luther, Exhortation to the Clergy to Preach Against Exploitive Interest, Tr. by Michael T. Grzonka (Ryan Cumming) 35/4
Martin Luther, Disputations II. Luther’s Works. Volume 73 (Mark Mattes) 35/3
Arden F. Mahlberg and Craig L. Nessan, The Integrity of the Body of Christ: Boundary Keeping as Shared Responsibility (Carol Schweitzer) 35/2
Mindy Makant, Holy Mischief: In Honor and Celebration of Women in Ministry (Gracia Grindal) 35/1
Mickey Mattox et al., eds., Luther at Leipzig: Martin Luther, the Leipzig Debate, and the Sixteenth Century Reformations (Gordon Jensen) 35/2
Rachel M. McCleary & Robert J. Barro, The Wealth of Nations: The Political Economy of Believing and Belonging (Mark Lund) 35/1
Gilbert Meilaender, Bioethics and the Character of Human Life: Essays and Reflections (Mark Mattes) 35/2
Gilbert Meilaender, Thy Will Be Done: The Ten Commandments and the Christian Life (Mark Mattes) 35/2
Marius Timmann Mjaaland, ed., The Reformation of Philosophy (Mark Mattes) 35/3
David Nelson, ed., Who Is Jesus Christ for Us Today? Part II: The Work of Christ (Adam Morton) 35/3
Craig L. Nessan, Wilhelm Loehe and North America: Historical Perspective and Living Legacy (Mark Mattes) 35/3
Andreas Pangritz, The Polyphony of Life: Bonhoeffer’s Theology of Music (Mark Brocker) 35/1
Michael Pasquarello III, The Beauty of Preaching: God’s Glory in Christian Proclamation (Mark Mattes) 35/3
John Pless, Luther’s Small Catechism: A Manual for Discipleship (Joshua Miller) 35/1
Paul Rajashekar, ed., Luther’s Small Catechism: An Exposition of the Christian Faith in Asian Contexts and Cultures (Mark Nygard) 35/2
Daniel T. Rodgers, As a City on a Hill: The Story of America’s Most famous Lay Sermon (Maria Erling) 35/4
Paul Rorem, St. Augustine, His Confessions, and His Influence (Walter Sundberg) 35/1
Leopoldo A. Sanchez M., Sculptor Spirit: Models of Sanctification from Spirit Christology (Cheryl Peterson) 35/1
David Scherf, Gesetz und Evangelium im Nachkriegsprotestantismus (Matthew Becker) 35/2
Herman J. Selderhuis, ed., Reformation Commentary on Scripture Old Testament VIII Psalms 73 – 150 (Mary Jane Haemig) 35/1
Ryan Tafilowski, ‘Dark, Depressing Riddle’: Germans, Jews, and the Meaning of Volk in the Theology of Paul Althaus (Peter Pettit) 35/3
Joel Thiessen and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, None of the Above: Nonreligious Identity in the US and Canada (Mark Mattes) 35/2
Curtis L. Thompson, Kierkegaard Trumping Trump: Divinity Resurrecting Democracy (Ron Marshall) 35/4
Troy Troftgruben, Rooted and Renewing: Imagining the Church’s Future in Light of Its New Testament Origins (H. Ashley Hall) 35/4
Anna Vind, Latomus and Luther. The Debate: Is Every Good Deed a Sin? (Robert Christman) 35/3
Timothy J. Wengert, Word of Life: Introducing Lutheran Hermeneutics (Mary Shore) 35/4
Timothy J. Wengert, ed., Minister’s Prayer Book: An Order of Prayers and Reading (David Drebes) 35/2
Simeon Zahl, The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience (Sarah Wilson) (35/4)
Kinga Zeller, Luthers Schriftverständnis aus rezeptionsästhetischer Perspektive. Eine Untersuchung zu Anknüpfungspunkten, Transformationsmöglichkeiten und bleibenden Differenzen (Robert Kolb) 35/3