Lutheran Quarterly

2019 Reviews

Ragnar Andersen, Concordia Ecclesiae:  An Inquiry into Tension and Coherence in Philipp Melanchthon’s Theology and Efforts for Ecclesiastical Unity, Especially in 1527-1530 (Timothy Wengert)   33/1
Margaret Arnold, The Magdalene in the Reformation (Beth Kreitzer)  33/4
Joachim Bauer and Michael Haspel, eds., Jakob Strauss und der reformatorische Wucherstreit. Die soziale Dimension der Reformation und ihre Wirkungen  (Carter Lindberg)   33/2
Hans Boersma, Seeing God:  the Beatific Vision in Christian Tradition  (Mark Mattes)  33/3
Carl Braaten, My Ecumenical Journey  (Marcus Felde)  33/4
Katharina Bracht, Johann Major (1564–1654): Professor der Theologie, Superintendent in Jena und Kirchenpolitker im Dreißigjährigen Krieg  (Benjamin Mayes)  33/3
Brian C. Brewer, Martin Luther and the Seven Sacraments: A Contemporary Protestant Reappraisal (Kathryn Kleinhans)  33/3
Johannes Burkardt, Gerhard Tersteegen: Abhandlungen zu Frömmigheit und Theologie  (H. George Anderson)  33/3
Michael W. Campbell and Nikolaus Satelmajer, Here We Stand: Luther, the Reformation, and Seventh-Day Adventism  (Christopher Richmann)  33/4
Richard G. Cole, What Did the Lutheran Reformation Look Like A Hundred Years After Martin Luther: Community and Culture in Ansbach, Germany in the Seventeenth Century  (Kurt Stadtwald)   33/3
Amy Cook, Jung and Kierkegaard: Researching a Kindred Spirit in the Shadows  (Ronald Marshall)  33/3
David D. Cook, ed., Luther on Leadership: Leadership Insights from the Great Reformer   (Ron Hoyum)   33/3
Jordan Cooper, Lex Aeterna: A Defense of the Orthodox Lutheran Doctrine of God’s Law and Critique of Gerhard Forde  (Jack Kilcrease)  33/2
William G. Dever, Beyond the Texts: An Archaeological Portrait of Ancient Israel and Judah  (Mark Schuler)   33/3
Irene Dingel et al, Initia Reformationi.  Wittenberg und die Frühe Reformation.  (Kurt Hendel)  33/3
Mark Ellingsen, Martin Luther’s Legacy: Reframing Reformation Theology for the 21st Century  (Aaron Klink)   33/3
Marie A. Failinger and Ronald W. Duty, eds., Lutheran Theology and Secular Law:  The Work of the Modern State  (Mark Mattes)   33/3
Glenn K. Fluegge, Johann Gerhard (1582–1637) and the Conceptualization of Theologia at the Threshold of the »Age of Orthodoxy«: The Making of the Theologian (Mark Mattes)  33/4
Maren Freudenberg, The Mainline in Late Modernity: Tradition and Innovation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America  (Aaron Klink)  33/1
Peter Frick, Understanding Bonhoeffer   (John Matthews)  33/4
Alberto L. García and Justo L. González, eds., Our 95 Theses: 500 Years After the Reformation (Chris Ángel)
Brian T. German, Psalms of the Faithful:  Luther’s Early Reading of the Psalter in Canonical Context (Brooks Schramm)   33/1
Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Luther the Anti-Semite: A Contemporary Jewish Perspective  (Darrell Jodock)   33/3
Niels Henrik Gregersen, et al., eds., Reformation Theology for a Post-Secular Age: Løgstrup, Prenter, Wingren, and the Future of Scandinavian Creation Theology  (Joshua Miller)   33/1
Gracia Grindal, The Sword of Eden  (Jeff Burkart)  33/4
Gracia Grindal, A Treasury of Faith: Lectionary Hymn Texts Old Testament Series A, B, and C  (David Mennicke)  33/4
Craig Harline, A World Ablaze:  The Rise of Martin Luther and the Birth of the Reformation (Susan Mobley)   33/2
Alan J. Hauser and Duane F. Watson, eds., A History of Biblical Interpretation Volume 3: The Enlightenment through the Nineteenth Century  (Roy Harrisville III)  33/2
Stephen R. Haynes, The Battle for Bonhoeffer – Debating Discipleship in the Age of Trump  (John W. Matthews)  33/4
Christine Helmer, How Luther Became the Reformer (Carter Lindberg)   33/3
Christine Helmer, The Trinity and Martin Luther, revised edition (Joshua Miller) 33/4
Scott Hendrix, Martin Luther: Visionary Reformer (Dorothea Wendebourg)  33/2
Paul R. Hinlicky, Luther for Evangelicals: A Reintroduction (Richard Johnson)   33/3
Paul R. Hinlicky and R. David Nelson, eds., Martyrdom and the Suffering of the Righteous (H. Ashley Hall) 33/3
Justin S. Holcomb, ed., Christian Theologies of Salvation: A Comparative Introduction (Miles Hopgood) 33/3
Michael Horton, Justification (Mark Mattes) 33/4
Bjørn Ole Hovda, The Controversy over the Lord’s Supper in Danzig 1561-1567:  Presence and Practice-Theology and Confessional Policy (Timothy Maschke) 33/4
Ada S. Jaarsma, Kierkegaard After the Genome: Science, Existence and Belief in This World  (Ron Marshall)  33/4
Lauri T. Jäntti, Prolepticism: The Futurist Theology of Ted Peters  (Lynn Hofstad)  33/3
David Llewellyn Jenkins, Whither God Brings Us: Cambridge and the Reformation Martyrs  (Korey Maas)   33/3
Anna Marie Johnson, Beyond Indulgences:  Luther’s Reform of Late Medieval Piety, 1518-1520  (Mary Jane Haemig)  33/2
Richard O. Johnson, Changing World, Changeless Christ: The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, 1914-2014  (Mark Granquist)  33/4
Bob Kellemen, Counseling under the Cross:  How Martin Luther applied the Gospel to Daily Life (John Pless)   33/2
Christel Kiel, Maasai Diviners and Christianity: An Investigation of Three Different Clans of IlÓibonok in Tanzania and the Attitude of the Lutheran Church towards Them  (Marcus Felde)   33/1
Jack Kilcrease, The Doctrine of Atonement: From Luther to Forde  (Adam Morton) 33/4
Peter Kline, Passion for Nothing:Kierkegaard’s Apophatic Theology (Ron Marshall) 33/4
Joachim Köhler, Luther! Biographie Eines Befreiten  (Robert Christman)   33/2
Armin Kohnle/Irene Dingel, eds., Johannes Mathesius (1504-1565) Rezeption und Verbreitung der Wittenberger Reformation…  (Austra Reinis)   33/2
Robert Kolb, Martin Luther as He Lived and Breathed: Recollections of the Reformer  (Mark Tranvik)  33/3
Michaela Kusnierikova, Acting for Others: Trinitarian Communion and Christological Agency (Thomas K. Johnson)   33/2
Russ Leo, Tragedy as Philosophy in the Reformation World  (Mark Mattes)  33/4
Matthew Levering (with a response by Kevin Vanhoozer), Was the Reformation a Mistake?  Why Catholic Doctrine is not Unbiblical (Timothy Maschke)   33/1
Jonathan A. Linebaugh, ed., God’s Two Words: Law and Gospel in the Lutheran and Reformed Traditions  (H. George Anderson)   33/2
Seppo Lohi, ed. by Paul Waaraniemi, Christianity of the Heart: Lars Levi Laestadius and the Beginning Phases of the Laestadian Revival (Mirko Hall)  33/4
Martin J. Lohrmann, Book of Harmony.  Spirit and Service in the Lutheran Confessions  (Mark Tranvik)  33/2
Lutheran World Federation and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, From Conflict to Communion: Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017  (Suzanne Hequet)  33/4
Frances Luttikhuizen, Underground Protestantism in Sixteenth Century Spain: A Much Ignored Side of Spanish History  (Andrew Wilson)    33/1
Jason A. Mahn, ed. Radical Lutherans/Lutheran Radicals (Matthew Becker) 33/2
William M. Marsh, Martin Luther on Reading the Bible as Christian Scripture:  The Messiah in Luther’s Biblical Hermeneutic and Theology (Steven Tyra)
Peter Marshall, 1517: Martin Luther and the Invention of the Reformation (Sherry Jordon)  33/2
Michael Massing, Fatal Discord. Erasmus, Luther, and the Fight for the Western Mind (Robert Kolb)  33/1
Michael Mawson, Christ Existing as Community (Aaron Klink) 33/4
Andrew Mein et al. eds., The First World War and the Mobilization of Biblical Scholarship (H. George Anderson) 33/4
Gregory J. Miller, The Turks and Islam in Reformation Germany  (Robert Christman)  33/2
Friederike Nüssel and Hans-Peter Grosshans, eds.  Lütherische Theologie in aussereuropäischen Kontexten: Eine Zussammenschau aus Anlass des 500. Reformationsjubiläums  (Craig Nessan)   33/2
Michael Pasquarello III, Dietrich: Bonhoeffer and the Theology of a Preaching Life  (Mark Brocker)   33/1
Andrew Pettegree, Brand Luther (Timothy Maschke)  33/2
Brad Pribbenow, Prayerbook of Christ:  Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christological Interpretation of the Psalms  (James Limburg)  33/4
Iain Provan, The Reformation and the Right Reading of Scripture (Martin Lohrmann)  33/2
Andrew Root, Faith Formation in a Secular Age: Responding to the Church’s Obsession with Youthfulness (Kristine Stache)    33/2
Michael Root and James J. Buckley, eds. Remembering the Reformation: Commemorate? Celebrate? Repent? (Richard Johnson)   33/2
Ellen Vea Rosnes, The Norwegian Mission’s Literacy Work in Colonial and Independent Madagascar (Mark Nygard)  33/4
Herman J. Selderhuis and J. Marius J. Lange van Ravenswaay, eds.  Luther and Calvinism: Image and Reception of Martin Luther in the History and Theology of Calvinism   (H. George Anderson)  33/1
Simone Sinn, et al, eds.  Transformative Readings of Sacred Scriptures:  Christians and Muslims in Dialogue  (Mark Nygard)   33/2
Notger Slenczka, Vom Alten Testament und vom Neuen (James Limburg)   33/2
Carl P.E. Springer, Cicero in Heaven: The Roman Rhetor and Luther’s Reformation  (Neil Leroux)  33/2
Jonathan Strom, German Pietism and the Problem of Conversion (Walter Sundberg)  33/2
Kristine Suna-Koro, In Counterpoint: Diaspora, Postcoloniality, and Sacramental Theology  (Chris Angel)  33/4
Deanna Thompson, The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World (Rhoda Schuler)  33/3
Anthony C. Thiselton, Understanding Pannenberg:  Landmark Theologian of the Twentieth Century  (Mark Mattes)    33/3
Ruth A. Tucker, Katie Luther: First Lady of the Reformation:  The Unconventional Life of Katharina von Bora   (Diane Bowers)  33/4
Victor I. Vieth, On This Rock: A Call to Center the Christian Response to Child Abuse on the Life and Words of Jesus (Martin Lohrmann)  33/3
Daniel Van Voorhis, Johan Arndt:  A prophet of Lutheran Pietism  (Mark Mattes)   33/3
Hermann Vorländer, Church in Motion: The History of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Bavaria  (Mary Jane Haemig)  33/4
Sylvia Walsh, Kierkegaard and Religion: Personality, Character, and Virtue (Ronald Marshall)   33/3
Sarah Hinlicky Wilson; translated by Yuan-Wei Liao and Yu-Qin Wei, 超越五百年的影響力:馬丁路德今天仍舊説話.Explorations in Martin Luther’s Theology  (Luke Zheng)   33/3
Johannes Zachhuber, Luther’s Christological Legacy:  Christocentrism and the Chalcedonian Tradition  (Mark Mattes) 33/1