2023 Reviews
Book Reviews Published in 2023
Under the leadership of book review editors Mary Jane Haemig and Suzanne Hequet, Lutheran Quarterly published 87 reviews and one review essay in volume 37 (2023).
2023 saw continued strength in numbers of reviews received, edited, and awaiting publication. 45 reviews have been edited and await publication as of January 1, 2024. As of the same date, 43 reviews have been assigned and not yet submitted.
We appreciate staff and board willingness to review books. We also appreciate suggestions of books and reviewers. While continuing our focus on Lutheran history and theology we also seek books that are relevant to, but not obviously a part of, those emphases. We seek a wide variety of reviewers from different Lutheran groups, institutions, countries, and perspectives as well as reviewers outside the Lutheran orbit.
The list below gives the author and title of each book reviewed. The reviewer’s name appears in parentheses, followed by the volume/number of publication.
Luther’s Outlaw God (3 vols.) by Steven Paulson (Matthew Becker) 37/1
Tyler C. Arnold, Pastoral Visitation for the Care of Souls. (Mark Mattes) 37/4
Michael Basse and Marcel Nieden, eds., Cajetan und Luther: Rekonstruktion einer Begegnung. (Kurt Hendel) 37/3
Jason M. Baxter, The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis: How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind. (Ron Hoyum) 37/2
David O. Berger, ed., Seminex in Print: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Published Material and Selected Archival Resources for Historical Research. (Mark Granquist) 37/2
Carl Braaten, A Harvest of Lutheran Dogmatics and Ethics: The Life and Work of Twelve Theologians 1960-2020. (Gregory Walter) 37/2
Shaun Brown, George Lindbeck: A Biographical and Theological Introduction. (Mark Mattes) 37/2
Ryan P. Burge, 20 Myths about Religion and Politics in America. (Mark Mattes) 37/1
Martin Christ, Biographies of a Reformation: Religious Change and Confessional Coexistence in Upper Lusatia, 1520-1635. (Susan Mobley) 37/2
How Chuang Chua, Japanese Perspectives on the Death of Christ: A Study in Contextualized Christology. (Andrew Ronnevik) 37/1
Keith Clements, Appointments with Bonhoeffer: Person Faith and Public Responsibility in a fragmenting World. (Mark Brocker) 37/4
Oliver D. Crisp, James M. Arcadi, and Jordan Wessling, eds., Analyzing Prayer: Theological and Philosophical Essays. (Mark Mattes) 37/3
Richard Cross, Christology and Metaphysics in the Seventeenth Century. (Mark Mattes) 37/3
Samuel Deressa, Leadership Formation in the African Context: Missional Leadership Revisited. (Gaylan Mathiesen) 37/3
Dictionary of African Christian Biography (at https://dacb.org). (Mark Nygard) 37/3
Tormod Engelsviken et al., eds., A Passion for China: Norwegian Mission to China Until 1949. (Richard Carter) 37/1
Kirk D. Farney, Ministers of a New Medium: Broadcasting Theology in the Radio Ministries of Fulton J. Sheen and Walter A. Maier. (Kathryn Galchutt) 37/2
Peter M. Folan, Martin Luther and the Council of Trent: The Battle over Scripture and the Doctrine of Justification. (Mark Mattes) 37/3
Johann Gerhard, On the End of the World and On Hell. Tr. Richard Dinda (Mark Mattes) 37/2
Johann Gerhard, On the Resurrection of the Dead and On the Last Judgment. Tr. Richard Dinda. (Mark Mattes) 37/2
Gracia Grindal, Jesus the Harmony, Gospel Sonnets for 366 Days. (Philip Nesvig) 37/2
Sven Guetermann, Reformation und Konfessionsbildung in Speyer Von konfessioneller Unentschiedenheit zum nonkonkordistischen Luthertum im Spannungsfeld von Reichspolitik und buergerlichem Handeln. (Timothy Schmeling) 37/4
Todd R. Hains, Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith: Reading God’s Word for God’s People. (Mark Mattes) 37/2
Bernd Hamm, Spielräume eines Pfarrers vor der Reformation: Ulrich Krafft in Ulm. (Timothy Wengert) 37/4
Roy A. Harrisville, The Story of Jesus: A Mosaic. (Troy Troftgruben) 37/2
Roy A. Harrisville, A Brief Guide to New Testament Interpretation: History, Methods, and Practical Examples. (Charles Puskas) 37/2
Benjamin Haupt, et al, eds., Hans Joachim Iwand on Church and Society: Opened by the Kingdom of God. (Mark Mattes) 37/4
Matthew Heise, The Gates of Hell: An Untold Story of Faith and Perseverance in the Early Soviet Union. (Sarah Wilson) 37/3
Theodore J. Hopkins, Christ, Church, and World: Bonhoeffer and Lutheran Ecclesiology. (Mark Mattes) 37/2
Ilana M. Horowitz, God, Grades, and Graduation: Religion’s Surprising Impact on Academic Success. (Robert Benne) 37/1
Luka Ilic and Martin Lohrmann, eds., Teaching Reformation: Essays in Honor of Timothy J. Wengert. (Vincent Evener) 37/3
Darrell Jodock and William Nelsen, Embracing Diversity: Faith, Vocation, and the Promise of America. (Carl Hughes) 37/3
Ken Sundet Jones, A Lutheran Toolkit. (Steven Bielenberg) 37/1
Allen G. Jorgenson and Kristen E. Kvam, eds., The Crux of Theology: Luther’s Teachings and Our Work for Freedom, Justice, and Peace. (Eric Trozzo) 37/3
Kiara Jorgenson, Ecology of Vocation: Recasting Calling in a New Planetary Era. (Marit Trelstad) 37/2
Laura Jurgens, Martin Luther and Women: Theology and Lived Experience. (Mary Anderson) 37/2
Ilmari Karimies, Martin Luther’s Understanding of Faith and Reality (1513-1521). The Influence of Augustinian Platonism and Illumination on Luther’s Thought. (Robert Kolb) 37/3
Rebekka King, The New Heretics: Skepticism, Secularism, and Progressive Christianity. (Mark Mattes) 37/4
Russell Kleckley, ed., trans., The Letters of Johann Ernst Bergmann, Ebenezer, Georgia, 1786–1824: Religion, Community, and the New Republic. (Eric Lund) 37/3
John W. Kleinig, God’s Word: A Guide to Holy Scripture. (Mark Mattes) 37/4
Nina Koefoed and Andrew Newby, eds., Lutheranism and Social Responsibility. (Mark Tranvik) 37/3
Nancy Koester, We Will Be Free: The Life and Faith of Sojourner Truth. (Jennifer Wojciechowski) 37/4
Robert Kolb, Torbjörn Johansson, and Daniel Johansson, eds., Simul: Inquiries into Luther’s Experience of the Christian Life. (Ron Rittgers) 37/1
Hannah M. Kress, Reformation und kalkulierte Medialität. (Martin Berntson) 37/2
Alexander Kupsch, Martin Luthers Gebrauch der Heiligen Schrift. (Robert Kolb) 37/3
Timothy Scott Landrum, Martin Luther’s Hidden God: Toward a Lutheran Apologetic for the Problem of Evil and Divine Hiddenness. (Mark Mattes) 37/2
James Ambrose Lee II, Confessional Lutheranism and German Theological Wissenschaft: Adolf Harless, August Vilmar, and Johannes Christian Konrad von Hofmann. (Mark Mattes) 37/2
Roland M. Lehmann, Reformation auf der Kanzel:Luther als Reiseprediger. (Robert Kolb) 37/1
Wilhelm Loehe, Wilhelm Loehe – Tagebuch 1828 Berlin. Dietrich Blaufuss and Gerhard Philip Wolf, eds. (Craig Nessan) 37/4
Joel Looper, Bonhoeffer’s America: A Land without Reformation. (Gaylon Barker) 37/1
Martin Luther, Sermons on Exodus, Chapters 1-20. Luther’s Works, vol. 62. Benjamin T. G. Mayes, ed. (Mark Mattes) 37/2
Anna Madsen, Joyful Defiance: Death Does Not Win the Day. (Phil Ruge-Jones) 37/2
Katharine Mahon, Teach Us To Pray: The Lord’s Prayer, Catechesis, and Ritual Reform in the Sixteen Century. (Anna Marie Johnson) 37/1
Jon Meacham, And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle. (Jon Diefenthaler) 37/2
Craig L. Nessan, Free in Deed: The Heart of Lutheran Ethics. (Ned Wisnefske) 37/2
Denis Ngien, Grace and Law in Galatians: Justification in Luther and Calvin. (Mark Mattes) 37/4
Philipp Nicolai, The Joy of Eternal Life. (Joshua Hollmann) 37/2
Paul T. Nimmo and Keith L. Johnson, eds., Kenosis: The Self-Emptying of Christ in Scripture & Theology. (Mark Mattes) 37/2
Mark Noll, America’s Book: The Rise and Decline of a Bible Civilization 1794–1911. (Jennifer Wojciechowski) 37/3
Stefan Oehmig and Stefan Rhein, eds., Wittenberger Bibeldruck der Reformationszeit, (Robert Kolb) 37/3
Kenneth Peterson, et al., eds., Colonial Records of the Swedish Churches in Pennsylvania, vols. 7A and 7B. (Jonathan Wilson) 37/1
Kurt Piehler, A Religious History of the American GI in World War II. (John Hannah) 37/2
Peter Prange, Wielding the Sword of the Spirit. V. Two: The Doctrine & Practice of Church Fellowship in the Synodical Conference (1868-1877). (Mark Mattes) 37/1
Peter Prange, Wielding the Sword of the Spirit. V. Three: The Doctrine & Practice of Church Fellowship in the Synodical Conference (1877-1882). (Mark Mattes) 37/4
Nicholas Pruitt, Open Hearts Closed Doors: Immigration Reform and the Waning of Mainline Protestantism. (Mark Granquist) 37/2
Juhani Raattamaa, Kirjeet ja kirjoitukset. (Mirko Hall) 37/4
Thomas Rank, ed., My Savior’s Guest: A Festschrift in Honor of Erling Trygve Teigen. (Thomas Jacobson) 37/2
Richard Rex, ed., Henry VIII and Martin Luther: The Second Controversy, 1525-1527. (Korey Maas) 37/2
Harold Ristau, Spiritual Warfare and the Care of Souls. (Mark Mattes) 37/4
Lester Ruth and Lim Swee Hong, A History of Contemporary Praise and Worship: Understanding the Ideas That Reshaped the Protestant Church. (Paul Westermeyer) 37/1
Sascha Salatowsky and Joar Haga, eds., Frühneuzeitliches Luthertum: Interdisziplinäre Studien. (Gerhard Bode) 37/3
Heinz Scheible, ed., Melanchthons Briefwechsel. Personen. (Timothy Wengert) 37/4
Kevin M. Vander Schel/Michael P. DeJonge, eds., Theology, History, and the Modern German University. (Walter Sundberg) 37/2
Luise Schorn-Schütte, Predigen über Herrschaft: Ordnungsmuster des Politischen in lutherischen Predigten Thüringens/Sachsens im 16. Und 17. Jahrhundert. (Mary Jane Haemig) 37/1
Joy A. Schroeder and Marion Ann Taylor, Voices Long Silenced: Women Biblical Interpreters Through the Centuries. (Amanda Brobst-Renaud) 37/2
David Sehat, This Earthly Frame: The Making of American Secularism. (Mark Mattes) 37/1
Philipp Jakob Spener, (Markus Matthias ed.) Nicht Von dieser Welt? Positionen eines Pietisten. (Jonathan Strom) 37/3
James D. Strasburg, God’s Marshall Plan. (Robert Benne) 37/4
Kirsi Stjerna, ed., Women Reformers of Early Modern Europe. (Martin Lohrmann) 37/4
Eric Trozzo et al., eds., Communion of Saints in Context. (Marcus Felde) 37/4
Bettina Varwig, ed., Rethinking Bach. (Joseph Herl) 37/3
James B. Vigen and Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, Nenilava, Prophetess of Madagascar: Her Life and the Ongoing Revival She Inspired. (Mark Nygard) 37/2
Geoffrey Wainwright and Paul McPartlan, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies. (H. George Anderson) 37/1
Timothy J. Wengert, The Augsburg Confession: Renewing Lutheran Faith and Practice. (Suzanne Hequet) 37/1
Robert Wilson-Black, The End of College: Religion and the Transformation of Higher Education in the 20th Century. (Robert Benne) 37/1
Hermann Winde, trans. Russell Kleckley, The Early History of the Lutheran Church in Georgia. (Susan McArver) 37/1
Christian Witt, Lutherische >>Orthodoxie<< als Historisches Problem: Leitidee, Konstruktion, und Gegenbegriff von Gottfried Arnold bis Ernst Troeltsch. (Joar Haga) 37/2
William Witte and Joel Scandrett, Mapping Atonement: The Doctrine of Reconciliation in History and Theology. (Andrew Ronnevik) 37/4