Lutheran Quarterly

2023 Reviews

Luther’s Outlaw God (3 vols.) by Steven Paulson  (Matthew Becker)  37/1

Tyler C. Arnold, Pastoral Visitation for the Care of Souls. (Mark Mattes)  37/4

Michael Basse and Marcel Nieden, eds., Cajetan und Luther: Rekonstruktion einer Begegnung. (Kurt Hendel)  37/3

Jason M. Baxter, The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis: How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind.  (Ron Hoyum)  37/2

David O. Berger, ed., Seminex in Print: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Published Material and Selected Archival Resources for Historical Research. (Mark Granquist)  37/2

Carl Braaten, A Harvest of Lutheran Dogmatics and Ethics:  The Life and Work of Twelve Theologians 1960-2020.   (Gregory Walter)  37/2

Shaun Brown, George Lindbeck: A Biographical and Theological Introduction. (Mark Mattes)  37/2

Ryan P. Burge, 20 Myths about Religion and Politics in America.  (Mark Mattes) 37/1

Martin Christ, Biographies of a Reformation: Religious Change and Confessional Coexistence in Upper Lusatia, 1520-1635.  (Susan Mobley)  37/2

How Chuang Chua, Japanese Perspectives on the Death of Christ: A Study in Contextualized Christology.  (Andrew Ronnevik)   37/1

Keith Clements, Appointments with Bonhoeffer:  Person Faith and Public Responsibility in a fragmenting World.  (Mark Brocker)  37/4

Oliver D. Crisp, James M. Arcadi, and Jordan Wessling, eds., Analyzing Prayer:  Theological and Philosophical Essays.  (Mark Mattes)  37/3

Richard Cross, Christology and Metaphysics in the Seventeenth Century. (Mark Mattes) 37/3

Samuel Deressa, Leadership Formation in the African Context: Missional Leadership Revisited. (Gaylan Mathiesen)  37/3

Dictionary of African Christian Biography (at  (Mark Nygard)  37/3

Tormod Engelsviken et al., eds., A Passion for China:  Norwegian Mission to China Until 1949.  (Richard Carter)   37/1

Kirk D. Farney, Ministers of a New Medium:  Broadcasting Theology in the Radio Ministries of Fulton J. Sheen and Walter A. Maier.   (Kathryn Galchutt)  37/2

Peter M. Folan, Martin Luther and the Council of Trent:  The Battle over Scripture and the Doctrine of Justification.  (Mark Mattes)  37/3

Johann Gerhard, On the End of the World and On Hell. Tr. Richard Dinda (Mark Mattes)  37/2

Johann Gerhard, On the Resurrection of the Dead and On the Last Judgment. Tr. Richard  Dinda.  (Mark Mattes)  37/2

Gracia Grindal, Jesus the Harmony, Gospel Sonnets for 366 Days.  (Philip Nesvig)  37/2

Sven Guetermann, Reformation und Konfessionsbildung in Speyer  Von konfessioneller Unentschiedenheit zum nonkonkordistischen Luthertum im Spannungsfeld von Reichspolitik und buergerlichem Handeln.   (Timothy Schmeling)  37/4

Todd R. Hains, Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith: Reading God’s Word for God’s People.  (Mark Mattes)  37/2

Bernd Hamm, Spielräume eines Pfarrers vor der Reformation: Ulrich Krafft in Ulm.  (Timothy Wengert)  37/4

Roy A. Harrisville, The Story of Jesus: A Mosaic.  (Troy Troftgruben)  37/2

Roy A. Harrisville, A Brief Guide to New Testament Interpretation: History, Methods, and Practical Examples.  (Charles Puskas)  37/2

Benjamin Haupt, et al, eds., Hans Joachim Iwand on Church and Society:  Opened by the Kingdom of God.  (Mark Mattes)  37/4

Matthew Heise, The Gates of Hell: An Untold Story of Faith and Perseverance in the Early Soviet Union. (Sarah Wilson)  37/3

Theodore J. Hopkins, Christ, Church, and World: Bonhoeffer and Lutheran Ecclesiology.   (Mark Mattes)  37/2

Ilana M. Horowitz, God, Grades, and Graduation: Religion’s Surprising Impact on Academic Success.  (Robert Benne)   37/1

Luka Ilic and Martin Lohrmann, eds., Teaching Reformation:  Essays in Honor of Timothy J. Wengert.  (Vincent Evener)  37/3

Darrell Jodock and William Nelsen, Embracing Diversity:  Faith, Vocation, and the Promise of America.  (Carl Hughes)  37/3

Ken Sundet Jones, A Lutheran Toolkit.  (Steven Bielenberg)   37/1

Allen G. Jorgenson and Kristen E. Kvam, eds., The Crux of Theology: Luther’s Teachings and Our Work for Freedom, Justice, and Peace.  (Eric Trozzo)  37/3

Kiara Jorgenson, Ecology of Vocation:  Recasting Calling in a New Planetary Era.  (Marit Trelstad)  37/2

Laura Jurgens, Martin Luther and Women: Theology and Lived Experience. (Mary Anderson)  37/2

Ilmari Karimies, Martin Luther’s Understanding of Faith and Reality (1513-1521). The Influence of Augustinian Platonism and Illumination on Luther’s Thought. (Robert Kolb)  37/3

Rebekka King, The New Heretics:  Skepticism, Secularism, and Progressive Christianity.  (Mark Mattes)  37/4

Russell Kleckley, ed., trans., The Letters of Johann Ernst Bergmann, Ebenezer, Georgia, 1786–1824: Religion, Community, and the New Republic.  (Eric Lund)  37/3

John W. Kleinig, God’s Word:  A Guide to Holy Scripture.  (Mark Mattes)  37/4

Nina Koefoed and Andrew Newby, eds., Lutheranism and Social Responsibility.  (Mark Tranvik)  37/3

Nancy Koester, We Will Be Free:  The Life and Faith of Sojourner Truth.  (Jennifer Wojciechowski)  37/4

Robert Kolb, Torbjörn Johansson, and Daniel Johansson, eds., Simul: Inquiries into Luther’s Experience of the Christian Life.    (Ron Rittgers)    37/1

Hannah M. Kress, Reformation und kalkulierte Medialität.  (Martin Berntson) 37/2

Alexander Kupsch, Martin Luthers Gebrauch der Heiligen Schrift.  (Robert Kolb)  37/3

Timothy Scott Landrum, Martin Luther’s Hidden God: Toward a Lutheran Apologetic for the Problem of Evil and Divine Hiddenness.  (Mark Mattes)  37/2

James Ambrose Lee II, Confessional Lutheranism and German Theological Wissenschaft: Adolf Harless, August Vilmar, and Johannes Christian Konrad von Hofmann.  (Mark Mattes)  37/2

Roland M. Lehmann, Reformation auf der Kanzel:Luther als Reiseprediger.  (Robert Kolb)   37/1

Wilhelm Loehe, Wilhelm Loehe – Tagebuch 1828 Berlin. Dietrich Blaufuss and Gerhard Philip Wolf, eds.  (Craig Nessan)  37/4

Joel Looper, Bonhoeffer’s America:  A Land without Reformation.  (Gaylon Barker)  37/1

Martin Luther, Sermons on Exodus, Chapters 1-20.  Luther’s Works, vol. 62.  Benjamin T. G. Mayes, ed.   (Mark Mattes)  37/2

Anna Madsen, Joyful Defiance: Death Does Not Win the Day.  (Phil Ruge-Jones)  37/2

Katharine Mahon, Teach Us To Pray:  The Lord’s Prayer, Catechesis, and Ritual Reform in the Sixteen Century.  (Anna Marie Johnson)  37/1

Jon Meacham, And There Was Light:  Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle. (Jon Diefenthaler)  37/2

Craig L. Nessan, Free in Deed: The Heart of Lutheran Ethics.  (Ned Wisnefske)  37/2

Denis Ngien, Grace and Law in Galatians:  Justification in Luther and Calvin.  (Mark Mattes)  37/4

Philipp Nicolai, The Joy of Eternal Life.  (Joshua Hollmann)  37/2

Paul T. Nimmo and Keith L. Johnson, eds., Kenosis: The Self-Emptying of Christ in Scripture & Theology.  (Mark Mattes)  37/2

Mark Noll, America’s Book: The Rise and Decline of a Bible Civilization 1794–1911. (Jennifer Wojciechowski)  37/3

Stefan Oehmig and Stefan Rhein, eds., Wittenberger Bibeldruck der Reformationszeit,  (Robert Kolb)  37/3

Kenneth Peterson, et al., eds., Colonial Records of the Swedish Churches in Pennsylvania, vols. 7A and 7B.  (Jonathan Wilson)   37/1

Kurt Piehler, A Religious History of the American GI in World War II. (John Hannah) 37/2

Peter Prange, Wielding the Sword of the Spirit.  V. Two: The Doctrine & Practice of Church Fellowship in the Synodical Conference (1868-1877). (Mark Mattes) 37/1

Peter Prange, Wielding the Sword of the Spirit. V. Three: The Doctrine & Practice of Church Fellowship in the Synodical Conference (1877-1882). (Mark Mattes) 37/4

Nicholas Pruitt, Open Hearts Closed Doors:  Immigration Reform and the Waning of Mainline Protestantism.  (Mark Granquist)  37/2

Juhani Raattamaa, Kirjeet ja kirjoitukset.  (Mirko Hall)   37/4

Thomas Rank, ed., My Savior’s Guest:  A Festschrift in Honor of Erling Trygve Teigen.  (Thomas Jacobson)  37/2

Richard Rex, ed., Henry VIII and Martin Luther: The Second Controversy, 1525-1527.  (Korey Maas)  37/2

Harold Ristau, Spiritual Warfare and the Care of Souls. (Mark Mattes)  37/4

Lester Ruth and Lim Swee Hong, A History of Contemporary Praise and Worship: Understanding the Ideas That Reshaped the Protestant Church.  (Paul Westermeyer)   37/1

Sascha Salatowsky and Joar Haga, eds., Frühneuzeitliches Luthertum: Interdisziplinäre Studien.  (Gerhard Bode)  37/3

Heinz Scheible, ed., Melanchthons Briefwechsel.  Personen.  (Timothy Wengert)  37/4

Kevin M. Vander Schel/Michael P. DeJonge, eds., Theology, History, and the Modern German University. (Walter Sundberg)  37/2

Luise Schorn-Schütte, Predigen über Herrschaft:  Ordnungsmuster des Politischen in lutherischen Predigten Thüringens/Sachsens im 16. Und 17. Jahrhundert.  (Mary Jane Haemig)  37/1

Joy A. Schroeder and Marion Ann Taylor, Voices Long Silenced: Women Biblical Interpreters Through the Centuries. (Amanda Brobst-Renaud)  37/2

David Sehat, This Earthly Frame: The Making of American Secularism. (Mark Mattes) 37/1

Philipp Jakob Spener, (Markus Matthias ed.) Nicht Von dieser Welt? Positionen eines Pietisten.  (Jonathan Strom)  37/3

James D. Strasburg, God’s Marshall Plan.  (Robert Benne)  37/4

Kirsi Stjerna, ed., Women Reformers of Early Modern Europe. (Martin Lohrmann)  37/4

Eric Trozzo et al., eds., Communion of Saints in Context.  (Marcus Felde)  37/4

Bettina Varwig, ed., Rethinking Bach.  (Joseph Herl)   37/3

James B. Vigen and Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, Nenilava, Prophetess of Madagascar: Her Life and the Ongoing Revival She Inspired. (Mark Nygard)  37/2

Geoffrey Wainwright and Paul McPartlan, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies.  (H. George Anderson)  37/1

Timothy J. Wengert, The Augsburg Confession:  Renewing Lutheran Faith and Practice. (Suzanne Hequet)    37/1

Robert Wilson-Black, The End of College:  Religion and the Transformation of Higher Education in the 20th Century.  (Robert Benne)  37/1

Hermann Winde, trans. Russell Kleckley, The Early History of the Lutheran Church in Georgia.  (Susan McArver)  37/1

Christian Witt, Lutherische >>Orthodoxie<< als Historisches Problem: Leitidee, Konstruktion, und Gegenbegriff von Gottfried Arnold bis Ernst Troeltsch.  (Joar Haga)  37/2

William Witte and Joel Scandrett, Mapping Atonement:  The Doctrine of Reconciliation in History and Theology.  (Andrew Ronnevik)  37/4