2022 Reviews
Book Reviews Published in 2022
Under the leadership of book review editors Mary Jane Haemig and Suzanne Hequet, Lutheran Quarterly published 101 book reviews in Volume 36 (2022).
The year 2022 saw continued strength in numbers of reviews received, edited, and awaiting publication. 70 reviews have been edited and await publication as of January 1, 2023. (Some of these may have been published by the time you read this report.) As of January 1, 2023, 38 reviews have been assigned and remain outstanding.
We appreciate staff and board willingness to review books. We also appreciate suggestions of books and reviewers. We seek a wide variety of reviewers from different Lutheran groups, institutions, countries, and perspectives as well as reviewers outside the Lutheran orbit.
We are pleased that a number of younger scholars have reviewed books for LQ and hope that they will continue their association with us.
The list below gives the publication information of each book reviewed. The reviewer's name appears in parentheses, followed by the Volume/number of the review.
“The Scholarship of Irene Dingel” by Amy Nelson Burnett. Includes a review of Irene Dingel, Vielfalt – Ordnung – Einheit: Kirchengeschichtliche Studien zur frūhen Neuzeit aus den Jahren 1997 bis 2015 36/4
Knut Alfsvag, Divine Presence: An Introduction to Christian Theology (Andrew Ronnevik) 36/4
Heinrich Assel, ed., Karl Holl: Leben—Werk—Briefe (H. George Anderson) 36/2
Irene Aue-Ben-David, et al., eds. Jews and Protestants: From the Reformation to the Present (Darrell Jodock) 36/1
Joachim Bauer, Dagmar Blaha and Stefan Michel, Der Unterricht der Visitatoren (1528). Kommentar – Entstehung – Quellen (Robert Kolb) 36/1
Brian Beckstrom, Leading Lutheran Higher Education in a Secular Age: Religious Identity, Mission, and Vocation at ELCA Colleges and Universities (David Loy) 36/4
Daniel Bohnert and Markus Wriedt, Theologiae Alumni Vitebergenses: Die graduierten Absolventen der Wittenberger theologischen Fakultät (1502-1648) (Robert Kolb) 36/3
Richard J. Boles, Dividing the Faith: The Rise of Segregated Churches in the Early American North (Heath Carter) 36/4
Johannes Boxdoerfer, “Führ uns an der Hand bis ins Vaterland: Die Auswanderung preussischer Altlutheraner nach Südaustralien mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts (Lois Zweck) 36/2
Wolfgang Breul, ed., Pietismus Handbuch (Peter Yoder) 36/4
Jon Butler, God in Gotham: The Miracle of Religion in Modern Manhattan (Mark Granquist) 36/1
Philip Cary, The Meaning of Protestant Theology: Luther, Augustine, and the Gospel that Gives us Christ (Nathan Yoder) 36/2
Joshua D. Chatraw, Telling a Better Story: How to Talk about God in a Skeptical Age (Mary Sue Dreier) 36/1
Mark Chinca, Meditating Death in Medieval and Early Modern Devotional Writing: From Bonaventure to Luther (Aaron Klink) 36/1
Channing L. Crisler and Robert L. Plummer, eds., Always Reforming: Reflections on Martin Luther & Biblical Studies (Mark Mattes) 36/2
Ingolf U. Dalferth and Trevor W. Kimball, eds., The Meaning and Power of Negativity (Mark Mattes) 36/3
Dyron B. Daughrity, To Whom Does Christianity Belong? Critical Issues in World Christianity (Samuel Deressa) 36/2
Paul J. DeHart, Unspeakable Cults: An Essay in Christology (David Bruner) 36/4
Tobias Delfs, Die Dänisch-Englisch-Hallesche Indienmission des späten 18. Jahrhunderts. Alltag, Lebenswelt und Devianz (Frieder Ludwig) 36/4
Malte de Vries, Die Implementation der Reformation in Braunschweig (1528-1599) (Robert Kolb) 36/4
Irene Dingel, et al., eds., Matthias Flacius Illyricus (H. George Anderson) 36/3
Corinna Ehlers, Konfessionsbildung im Zweiten Abendmahlsstreit (1552-1558/59) (Timothy Wengert) 36/2
Mark Ellingsen, Ever Hear of Feuerbach? That’s Why American and European Christianity Are in Such a Funk! (Mark Mattes) 36/1
Johannes Habib Feiler, Crafting Lutheran Pastors in Tanzania. Perceptions of Theological Education and Formation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (James Vigen) 36/4
J.V. Fesko, The Need for Creeds Today: Confessional Faith in a Faithless Age (David Lumpp) 36/3
Bo Giertz, Faith Alone: The Heart of Everything (Mark Tranvik) 36/2
David D. Grafton, ed., More Than a Cup of Coffee and Tea: A Generation of Lutheran-Muslim Relationships (Robert Shedinger) 36/2
Crawford Gribben, Survival and Resistance in Evangelical America: Christian Reconstruction in the Pacific Northwest (Mark Mattes) 36/2
Ross Halbach, Bonhoeffer and the Racialized Church (John Matthews) 36/1
J.G. Hamann, London Writings: The Spiritual & Theological Journal of Johann Georg Hamann, translated and introduced by John W. Kleinig (Mark Mattes) 36/4
John Hannah, Arthur Carl Piepkorn: Chaplain to the Greatest Generation (Matthew Becker) 36/2
Sergia Hay, Ethical Silence: Kierkegaard on Communication, Education, and Humility (Ron Marshall) 36/1
Markus Hein and Armin Kohnle, eds., Reformations-Atlas. Die Reformation in Mitteldeutschland (Jeffrey Jaynes) 36/1
Jan-Olav Henriksen, Christianity as Distinct Practices: A complicated relationship (Gordon Jensen) 36/1
Paul R. Hinlicky, Joshua (Samuel Giere) 36/4
Frank Hofmann, How Does God Talk to Us? The Concept of the “Word of God” in Augustine, Martin Luther, and Karl Barth (Mark Mattes) 36/4
Jack M. Holl, The Religious Journey of Dwight D. Eisenhower: Duty, God, and Country (John Hannah) 36/4
Tobias Jammerthal, Philipp Melanchthon’s Abendmahltheologie im Spiegel seiner Bibelauslegung 1520-1548 (Timothy Wengert) 36/1
Gordon Jensen, The Wittenberg Concord: Creating Space for Dialogue (David Lumpp) 36/3
Martin Jung, ed., Die wuerttembergische Tabea: Lebensbeschreibung der exemplarischen Pietistin Beata Sturm (1682-1730) (Jonathan Strom) 36/4
Mehmet Karabela, Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes (Paul Strauss) 36/4
Yakub E. Kartawidjaja, Music in Martin Luther’s Theology (Paul Westermeyer) 36/2
Ernst Käsemann, Church Conflicts: The Cross, Apocalyptic, and Political Resistance (Troy Troftgruben) 36/4
Jack Kilcrease, Holy Scripture. (Mark Mattes) 36/1
John Kleinig, Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body (Aaron Klink) 36/3
John Kleinig, ed., London Writings: The Spiritual & Theological Journal of Johann Georg Hamann (Mark Mattes) 36/4
Terence Kleven, ed., Faith and Reason in the Reformations (Mark Mattes) 36/4
Philippa Koch, The Course of God’s Providence: Religion, Health, and the Body in Early America (Richard Johnson) 36/2
Armin Kohnle and Irene Dingel, eds., Die Crucigers: Caspar der Ältere, Caspar der Jüngere, und Elisabeth Cruciger in ihrer Bedeutung für die Wittenberger Reformation (Timothy Wengert) 36/2
Timo Laato, Hermeneutics in Romans: Paul’s Approach to Reading the Bible (James Aageson) 36/3
Anthony N.S.Lane, Regensburg Article 5 on Justification: Inconsistent Patchwork or Substance of True Doctrine? (Suzanne Hequet) 36/3
Volker Leppin, Repräsentation und Reenactment: Spätmittelalterliche Frömmigkeit Verstehen (Robert Kolb) 36/2
Richard Lischer, Just Tell the Truth: A Call to Faith, Hope, and Courage (Mark Koschmann) 36/4
Martin J. Lohrmann, Stories from Global Lutheranism: A Historical Timeline (Eric Lund) 36/1
Jamie Lorentzen and Gordon Marino, eds., Taking Kierkegaard Personally (Ron Marshall) 36/1
Frieder Ludwig, ed., The First World War as a Turning Point: The Impact of the years 1914-1918 on Church and Mission (with special focus on the Hermannsburg Mission) (Marcus Felde) 36/1
Martin Luther, Ein Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen – An Open Letter on Translating, trans. Howard Jones (David Lumpp) 36/3
Karin Maag, Worshiping with the Reformers (Mary Jane Haemig) 36/1
Anna Madsen, I Can Do No Other: The Church’s New Here We Stand Moment (Adam Morton) 36/1
Louis Markos, From Plato to Christ: How Platonic Thought Shaped the Christian Faith (Mark Mattes) 36/3
Alistair McGrath, Return from a Distant Country (Mark Mattes) 36/4
Barbara Meyer, Jesus the Jew in Christian Memory (Peter Pettit) 36/2
Mark Mulder, et al., Latino Protestants in America (Christopher Angel) 36/4
Justin Nickel, The Work of Faith: Divine Grace and Human Agency in Martin Luther’s Preaching (Joshua Miller) 36/3
Chester O’Gorman, Demythologizing Revelation: A Critical Continuation of Rudolf Bultmann’s Project (David Congdon) 36/1
Sevcan Ozturk, Becoming a Genuine Muslim: Kierkegaard and Muhammad Iqbal (Ron Marshall) 36/1
Jonathan M. Platter, Divine Simplicity and the Triune Identity: A Critical Dialogue with the Theological Metaphysics of Robert W. Jenson (John Hoyum) 36/3
Peter M. Prange, Wielding the Sword of the Spirit. Vol. One: The Doctrine & Practice of Church Fellowship in the Missouri Synod (1838-1867) (Mark Mattes) 36/3
Mitri Raheb and Mark A. Lamport, eds., Handbook of Christianity in the Middle East (Mark Nygard) 36/2
Jonathan Reinert, Passionspredigt im 16. Jahrhundert (Mary Jane Haemig) 36/3
Joachim Ringleben, Rede, dass ich dich sehe (Mark Mattes) 36/2
Ronald Rittgers, ed. and trans., A Widower’s Lament: The Pious Meditations of Johann Christoph Oelhafen (Glenn Fluegge) 36/4
Lyndal Roper, Living I Was Your Plague: Martin Luther’s World and Legacy (Aaron Klink) 36/2
Jonathan Rundman, Lost Songs of the Suomi Synod (Gracia Grindal) 36/2
Miikka Ruokanen, Trinitarian Grace in Martin Luther’s The Bondage of the Will (Mark Mattes) 36/2
Ariel Sabar, VERITAS: A Harvard Professor, a Con Man and the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife (Gracia Grindal) 36/1
Audy Santoso, Union with God: An Assessment of Deification (Theosis) in the Theologies of Robert Jenson and John Calvin (John Hoyum) 36/4
Hans Schwarz, Who Rules the World: Divine Providence and the Existence of Evil (Mark Mattes) 36/1
Christopher Seitz, Convergences: Canon and Catholicity (David Nelson) 36/2
Sebastian Selvén, Liturgy and Biblical Interpretation: The Sanctus and the Qedushah (Rhoda Schuler) 36/2
David E. Settje, Evil Deeds in High Places: Christian America’s Moral Struggle with Watergate (Robert Benne) 36/2
Uwe Siemon-Netto, Urchin at War: The Tale of a Leipzig Rascal and his Lutheran Granny under Bombs in Nazi Germany (Robert Benne) 36/2
Neal E. Snider, Sincerely Luther. Narrative Letters of the Great Reformer (Mark Tranvik) 36/2
Carl P.E. Springer, Luther’s Rome Rome’s Luther: How the City Shaped the Reformer (Stefano Cavallotto) 36/4
Amy Stambach and Aikande Kwayu, Pragmatic Faith and the Tanzanian Lutheran Church: Bishop Erasto N. Kweka’s Life and Work (Gaylan Mathiesen) 36/3
Andreas Stegmann, ed., Quellen zur Brandenburgischen Kirchengeschichte (1517-1615) (Robert Kolb) 36/3
Kirsi Stjerna, Lutheran Theology: A Grammar of Faith (Anthony Bateza) 36/4
Leif Svensson, A Theology for the Bildungsbürgertum: Albrecht Ritschl in Context (Darrell Jodock) 36/3
Derek W. Taylor, Reading Scripture as the Church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Hermeneutic of Discipleship (Mark Brocker) 36/2
Nicholas Terpstra, ed., Reframing Reformation: Understanding Religious Difference in Early Modern Europe (Susan Mobley) 36/2
Carl Trueman, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution (Robert Benne) 36/4
Elisabeth Joy Urtel, Anna B. Hoppe: Her Life and Hymnody (Gracia Grindal) 36/3
Richard Viladesau, The Wisdom and Power of the Cross (Mark Mattes) 36/1
Anna Vind and Herman J. Selderhuis, eds., “Church” at the Time of the Reformation: Invisible Community, Visible Parish, Confession, Building…? (Thomas Farmer) 36/3
Michael Welker, In God’s Image: An Anthropology of the Spirit (Derek Nelson) 36/4
James K. Wellman, Jr., et al., High on God: How Megachurches Won the Heart of America (Mark Mattes) 36/2
Armin Wenz, Philologia Sacra und Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift: Studien zum Werk des lutherischen Barocktheologen Salomon Glassius(1593-1656) (Ben Mayes) 36/1
Vitor Westhelle, Liberating Luther: A Lutheran Theology from Latin America (Philip Ruge-Jones) 36/4
Ulrich A. Wien, ed., Common Man, Society, and Religion in the 16th Century (Robert Christman) 36/4
Will Williams, Kierkegaard and the Legitimacy of the Comic: Understanding the Relevance of Irony, Humor, and the Comic for Ethics and Religion (Ron Marshall) 36/1
Sarah Wilson, To Baptize or Not to Baptize (Mark Nygard) 36/4
Peter James Yoder, Pietism and the Sacraments: The Life and Theology of August Hermann Francke (Mark Granquist) 36/3