Lutheran Quarterly

2022 Reviews

“The Scholarship of Irene Dingel” by Amy Nelson Burnett.  Includes a review of Irene Dingel, Vielfalt – Ordnung – Einheit:  Kirchengeschichtliche Studien zur frūhen Neuzeit aus den Jahren 1997 bis 2015     36/4

Knut Alfsvag, Divine Presence:  An Introduction to Christian Theology (Andrew Ronnevik)  36/4

Heinrich Assel, ed., Karl Holl: Leben—Werk—Briefe  (H. George Anderson)  36/2

Irene Aue-Ben-David, et al., eds. Jews and Protestants: From the Reformation to the Present  (Darrell Jodock)  36/1

Joachim Bauer, Dagmar Blaha and Stefan Michel, Der Unterricht der Visitatoren (1528). Kommentar – Entstehung – Quellen  (Robert Kolb)  36/1

Brian Beckstrom, Leading Lutheran Higher Education in a Secular Age: Religious Identity, Mission, and Vocation at ELCA Colleges and Universities (David Loy)  36/4

Daniel Bohnert and Markus Wriedt, Theologiae Alumni Vitebergenses: Die graduierten Absolventen der Wittenberger theologischen Fakultät (1502-1648) (Robert Kolb)  36/3

Richard J. Boles, Dividing the Faith:  The Rise of Segregated Churches in the Early American North  (Heath Carter)  36/4

Johannes Boxdoerfer, “Führ uns an der Hand bis ins Vaterland:  Die Auswanderung preussischer Altlutheraner nach Südaustralien mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts (Lois Zweck)  36/2

Wolfgang Breul, ed., Pietismus Handbuch    (Peter Yoder)  36/4

Jon Butler, God in Gotham:  The Miracle of Religion in Modern Manhattan  (Mark Granquist)  36/1

Philip Cary, The Meaning of Protestant Theology:  Luther, Augustine, and the Gospel that Gives us Christ (Nathan Yoder)  36/2

Joshua D. Chatraw, Telling a Better Story: How to Talk about God in a Skeptical Age  (Mary Sue Dreier)  36/1

Mark Chinca, Meditating Death in Medieval and Early Modern Devotional Writing: From Bonaventure to Luther (Aaron Klink)  36/1

Channing L. Crisler and Robert L. Plummer, eds., Always Reforming: Reflections on Martin Luther & Biblical Studies  (Mark Mattes)  36/2

Ingolf U. Dalferth and Trevor W. Kimball, eds., The Meaning and Power of Negativity (Mark Mattes)  36/3

Dyron B. Daughrity, To Whom Does Christianity Belong? Critical Issues in World Christianity  (Samuel Deressa)  36/2

Paul J. DeHart, Unspeakable Cults: An Essay in Christology  (David Bruner)  36/4

Tobias Delfs, Die Dänisch-Englisch-Hallesche Indienmission des späten 18. Jahrhunderts. Alltag, Lebenswelt und Devianz  (Frieder Ludwig)  36/4

Malte de Vries, Die Implementation der Reformation in Braunschweig (1528-1599) (Robert Kolb)  36/4

Irene Dingel, et al., eds., Matthias Flacius Illyricus  (H. George Anderson)  36/3

Corinna Ehlers, Konfessionsbildung im Zweiten Abendmahlsstreit (1552-1558/59)  (Timothy Wengert)  36/2

Mark Ellingsen, Ever Hear of Feuerbach? That’s Why American and European Christianity Are in Such a Funk!   (Mark Mattes)  36/1

Johannes Habib Feiler, Crafting Lutheran Pastors in Tanzania.  Perceptions of Theological Education and Formation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania  (James Vigen)  36/4

J.V. Fesko, The Need for Creeds Today: Confessional Faith in a Faithless Age (David Lumpp)  36/3

Bo Giertz, Faith Alone: The Heart of Everything   (Mark Tranvik)  36/2

David D. Grafton, ed., More Than a Cup of Coffee and Tea: A Generation of Lutheran-Muslim Relationships  (Robert Shedinger)  36/2

Crawford Gribben, Survival and Resistance in Evangelical America: Christian Reconstruction in the Pacific Northwest  (Mark Mattes)  36/2

Ross Halbach, Bonhoeffer and the Racialized Church  (John Matthews)  36/1

J.G. Hamann, London Writings: The Spiritual & Theological Journal of Johann Georg Hamann, translated and introduced by John W. Kleinig    (Mark Mattes)  36/4

John Hannah, Arthur Carl Piepkorn: Chaplain to the Greatest Generation  (Matthew Becker)  36/2

Sergia Hay, Ethical Silence: Kierkegaard on Communication, Education, and Humility  (Ron Marshall)  36/1

Markus Hein and Armin Kohnle, eds., Reformations-Atlas. Die Reformation in Mitteldeutschland  (Jeffrey Jaynes)  36/1

Jan-Olav Henriksen, Christianity as Distinct Practices:  A complicated relationship (Gordon Jensen)  36/1

Paul R. Hinlicky, Joshua  (Samuel Giere)  36/4

Frank Hofmann, How Does God Talk to Us?  The Concept of the “Word of God” in Augustine, Martin Luther, and Karl Barth  (Mark Mattes) 36/4

Jack M. Holl, The Religious Journey of Dwight D. Eisenhower:  Duty, God, and Country  (John Hannah)  36/4

Tobias Jammerthal, Philipp Melanchthon’s Abendmahltheologie im Spiegel seiner Bibelauslegung 1520-1548  (Timothy Wengert)  36/1

Gordon Jensen, The Wittenberg Concord: Creating Space for Dialogue (David Lumpp) 36/3

Martin Jung, ed., Die wuerttembergische Tabea: Lebensbeschreibung der exemplarischen Pietistin Beata Sturm (1682-1730)  (Jonathan Strom)  36/4

Mehmet Karabela, Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes  (Paul Strauss)  36/4

Yakub E. Kartawidjaja, Music in Martin Luther’s Theology  (Paul Westermeyer)  36/2

Ernst Käsemann, Church Conflicts:  The Cross, Apocalyptic, and Political Resistance  (Troy Troftgruben)    36/4

Jack Kilcrease, Holy Scripture. (Mark Mattes) 36/1

John Kleinig, Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body (Aaron Klink) 36/3

John Kleinig, ed., London Writings:  The Spiritual & Theological Journal of Johann Georg Hamann  (Mark Mattes)  36/4

Terence Kleven, ed., Faith and Reason in the Reformations (Mark Mattes)  36/4

Philippa Koch, The Course of God’s Providence:  Religion, Health, and the Body in Early America  (Richard Johnson)  36/2

Armin Kohnle and Irene Dingel, eds., Die Crucigers:  Caspar der Ältere, Caspar der Jüngere, und Elisabeth Cruciger in ihrer Bedeutung für die Wittenberger Reformation  (Timothy Wengert)  36/2

Timo Laato, Hermeneutics in Romans: Paul’s Approach to Reading the Bible (James Aageson)  36/3

Anthony N.S.Lane, Regensburg Article 5 on Justification: Inconsistent Patchwork or Substance of True Doctrine?   (Suzanne Hequet)  36/3

Volker Leppin, Repräsentation und Reenactment:  Spätmittelalterliche Frömmigkeit Verstehen  (Robert Kolb)  36/2

Richard Lischer, Just Tell the Truth: A Call to Faith, Hope, and Courage (Mark Koschmann)  36/4

Martin J. Lohrmann, Stories from Global Lutheranism: A Historical Timeline (Eric Lund) 36/1

Jamie Lorentzen and Gordon Marino, eds., Taking Kierkegaard Personally (Ron Marshall)  36/1

Frieder Ludwig, ed., The First World War as a Turning Point: The Impact of the years 1914-1918 on Church and Mission (with special focus on the Hermannsburg Mission) (Marcus Felde)  36/1

Martin Luther, Ein Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen – An Open Letter on Translating, trans. Howard Jones   (David Lumpp)  36/3

Karin Maag, Worshiping with the Reformers  (Mary Jane Haemig)  36/1

Anna Madsen, I Can Do No Other: The Church’s New Here We Stand Moment  (Adam Morton)  36/1

Louis Markos, From Plato to Christ: How Platonic Thought Shaped the Christian Faith  (Mark Mattes)  36/3

Alistair McGrath, Return from a Distant Country (Mark Mattes)  36/4

Barbara Meyer, Jesus the Jew in Christian Memory  (Peter Pettit)  36/2

Mark Mulder, et al., Latino Protestants in America  (Christopher Angel)  36/4

Justin Nickel, The Work of Faith: Divine Grace and Human Agency in Martin Luther’s Preaching   (Joshua Miller)  36/3

Chester O’Gorman, Demythologizing Revelation: A Critical Continuation of Rudolf Bultmann’s Project  (David Congdon)  36/1

Sevcan Ozturk, Becoming a Genuine Muslim:  Kierkegaard and Muhammad Iqbal  (Ron Marshall)  36/1

Jonathan M. Platter, Divine Simplicity and the Triune Identity: A Critical Dialogue with the Theological Metaphysics of Robert W. Jenson  (John Hoyum)  36/3

Peter M. Prange, Wielding the Sword of the Spirit.  Vol. One: The Doctrine & Practice of Church Fellowship in the Missouri Synod (1838-1867)  (Mark Mattes)  36/3

Mitri Raheb and Mark A. Lamport, eds., Handbook of Christianity in the Middle East  (Mark Nygard)  36/2

Jonathan Reinert, Passionspredigt im 16. Jahrhundert  (Mary Jane Haemig)  36/3

Joachim Ringleben, Rede, dass ich dich sehe  (Mark Mattes)  36/2

Ronald Rittgers, ed. and trans., A Widower’s Lament:  The Pious Meditations of Johann Christoph Oelhafen  (Glenn Fluegge)  36/4

Lyndal Roper, Living I Was Your Plague: Martin Luther’s World and Legacy (Aaron Klink)  36/2

Jonathan Rundman, Lost Songs of the Suomi Synod  (Gracia Grindal)  36/2

Miikka Ruokanen, Trinitarian Grace in Martin Luther’s The Bondage of the Will  (Mark Mattes)  36/2

Ariel Sabar, VERITAS: A Harvard Professor, a Con Man and the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife  (Gracia Grindal)  36/1

Audy Santoso, Union with God:  An Assessment of Deification (Theosis) in the Theologies of Robert Jenson and John Calvin  (John Hoyum)  36/4

Hans Schwarz, Who Rules the World: Divine Providence and the Existence of Evil  (Mark Mattes)  36/1

Christopher Seitz, Convergences: Canon and Catholicity  (David Nelson)  36/2

Sebastian Selvén, Liturgy and Biblical Interpretation: The Sanctus and the Qedushah  (Rhoda Schuler)  36/2

David E. Settje, Evil Deeds in High Places: Christian America’s Moral Struggle with Watergate  (Robert Benne)  36/2

Uwe Siemon-Netto, Urchin at War: The Tale of a Leipzig Rascal and his Lutheran Granny under Bombs in Nazi Germany  (Robert Benne)  36/2

Neal E. Snider, Sincerely Luther.  Narrative Letters of the Great Reformer (Mark Tranvik)  36/2

Carl P.E. Springer, Luther’s Rome Rome’s Luther:  How the City Shaped the Reformer (Stefano Cavallotto)  36/4

Amy Stambach and Aikande Kwayu, Pragmatic Faith and the Tanzanian Lutheran ChurchBishop Erasto N. Kweka’s Life and Work  (Gaylan Mathiesen)  36/3

Andreas Stegmann, ed., Quellen zur Brandenburgischen Kirchengeschichte (1517-1615) (Robert Kolb)  36/3

Kirsi Stjerna, Lutheran Theology:  A Grammar of Faith  (Anthony Bateza)  36/4

Leif Svensson, A Theology for the Bildungsbürgertum: Albrecht Ritschl in Context  (Darrell Jodock)  36/3

Derek W. Taylor, Reading Scripture as the Church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Hermeneutic of Discipleship  (Mark Brocker)  36/2

Nicholas Terpstra, ed., Reframing Reformation: Understanding Religious Difference in Early Modern Europe  (Susan Mobley)  36/2

Carl Trueman, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self:  Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution  (Robert Benne)  36/4

Elisabeth Joy Urtel, Anna B. Hoppe: Her Life and Hymnody  (Gracia Grindal)  36/3

Richard Viladesau, The Wisdom and Power of the Cross  (Mark Mattes)  36/1

Anna Vind and Herman J. Selderhuis, eds., “Church” at the Time of the Reformation: Invisible Community, Visible Parish, Confession, Building…? (Thomas Farmer)  36/3

Michael Welker, In God’s Image: An Anthropology of the Spirit   (Derek Nelson)  36/4

James K. Wellman, Jr., et al., High on God: How Megachurches Won the Heart of America  (Mark Mattes)  36/2

Armin Wenz, Philologia Sacra und Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift: Studien zum Werk des lutherischen Barocktheologen Salomon Glassius(1593-1656) (Ben Mayes)  36/1

Vitor Westhelle, Liberating Luther: A Lutheran Theology from Latin America  (Philip Ruge-Jones)  36/4

Ulrich A. Wien, ed., Common Man, Society, and Religion in the 16th Century  (Robert Christman)  36/4

Will Williams, Kierkegaard and the Legitimacy of the Comic: Understanding the Relevance of Irony, Humor, and the Comic for Ethics and Religion (Ron Marshall)  36/1

Sarah Wilson, To Baptize or Not to Baptize  (Mark Nygard)  36/4

Peter James Yoder, Pietism and the Sacraments:  The Life and Theology of August Hermann Francke  (Mark Granquist)  36/3