2013 Reviews
Reviews Completed in 2013
Below is a list of every book reviewed in Lutheran Quarterly Volume 27 (2013). Enjoy.
Andreae, Johann Valentin. Autobiographie und Kleine Biographische Schriften. Johann Valentin Andreae: <em “mso-bidi-font-style:=”” normal”=””>Gesammelte Schriften Bände I.1. Edited by Frank Böhling. Translated by Beate Hintzen. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2012. Reviewed by Gerhard Bode, Vol. 27 (4), 447-48.
Arand, Charles P., Robert Kolb, and James A. Nestingen. The Lutheran Confessions: History and Theology of the Book of Concord. Fortress Press, 2012. Reviewed by Gordon Jensen, Vol. 27 (3), 365-67.
Austern, Linda Phyllis, Kari Boyd McBride, and David L. Orvis, editors. <em “mso-bidi-font-style:=”” normal”=””>Psalms in the Early Modern World. Ashgate, 2011. Reviewed by Gracia Grindal, Vol. 27 (2), 237-40.
Barnbrock, Christopher, et al. <em “mso-bidi-font-style:=”” normal”=””> C.F.W. Walther: Churchman and Theologian. Concordia Publishing House, 2011. Reviewed by Suzanne Hequet, Vol. 27 (2), 240-42.
Barth, Hans-Martin. The Theology of Martin Luther: A Critical Assessment. Fortress Press, 2013. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, 27 (2), 229-31.
Bayer, Oswald. A Contemporary in Dissent: Johann Georg Hamann as a Radical Enlightener. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012. Reviewed by Paul Hinlicky, Vol. 27 (1), 94-96.
Beckwith, Carl, editor. Ezekiel, Daniel. Reformation Commentary on Scripture: Old Testament, 12. InterVarsity Press Academic, 2012. Reviewed by Richard Nysse, Vol 27 (3), 353-57.
Bellitto, Christopher M. and David Zachariah Flanagin, editors. <em “mso-bidi-font-style:=”” normal”=””>Reassessing Reform: A Historical Investigation into Church Renewal. Catholic University of America Press, 2012. Reviewed by Richard J. Serina, Jr., Vol. 27 (4), 482-84.
Beutel, Albrecht. Gerhard Ebeling – Eine Biographie. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Menacher, Vol. 27 (3), 363-65.
Bexel, Oloph, editor. The Meaning of Christian Liturgy: Recent Developments in the Church of Sweden. Eerdmans, 2012. Reviewed by Walter Sundberg, Vol. 27 (4), 484-87.
Braaten, Carl E. Who is Jesus? Disputed Questions and Answers. Eerdmans, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (1), 99-100.
Braaten, Carl E., editor. No Other Name: Salvation through Christ Alone. American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (1), 110-12.
Bray, Gerald L., editor. Galatians, Ephesians. Reformation Commentary on Scripture: New Testament. InterVarsity Press Academic, 2011. Reviewed by James Boyce, Vol. 27 (3), 349-51.
Brondos, David, editor. Sources of Authority in the Church: Lutheran Traditions in North American Contexts. Lutheran University Press, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (4), 448-50.
Caravale, Giorgio. Forbidden Prayer: Church Censorship and Devotional Literature in Renaissance Italy. Ashgate, 2011. Reviewed by Mary Jane Haemig, Vol. 27 (2), 242-43.
Childers, Eric. College Identity Sagas: Investigating Organizational Identity Preservation and Diminishment at Lutheran Colleges and Universities. Pickwick Publishers, 2012. Reviewed by L. Deane Lagerquist, Vol. 27 (4), 487-89.
Christenson, Tom. Who Needs a Lutheran College? Values, Vision, Vocation. Lutheran University Press, 2011. Reviewed by L. DeAne Lagerquist, Vol. 27 (1), 96-97.
Christman, Robert J. Doctrinal Controversy and Lay Religiosity in Late Reformation Germany: The Case of Mansfeld. Leiden: Brill, 2012. Reviewed by Ronald Rittgers, Vol. 27 (2), 223-27.
De La Torre, Miguel A. and Albert Hernandez. The Quest for the Historical Satan. Fortress Press, 2011. Reviewed by Fred Gaiser, Vol. 27 (2), 235-37.
Decaluwe, Michiel. A Successful Defeat: Eugene IV’s Struggle with the Council of Basel for Ultimate Authority in the Church, 1431-1449. Bruxelles: Institut HIstorique Belge de Roma, 2009. Reviewed by Richard J. Serina, Jr., Vol. 27 (4), 453-55.
Denton-Borhaug, Kelly. U.S. War-Culture, Sacrifice and Salvation. Oakville, Connecticut: Equinox, 2011. Reviewed by Pauline Kaurin, Vol. 27 (2), 243-44.
Domröse, Sonja. Frauen der Reformationszeit. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010. Reviewed by Mary Jane Haemig, Vol. 27 (2), 235.
Eberhart, Christian A. The Sacrifice of Jesus: Understanding the Atonement Biblically. Fortress Press, 2011. Reviewed by Mark Schuler, Vol. 27 (4), 489-90
Ellingsen, Mark. Sin Bravely: A Joyful Alternative to a Purpose-Driven Life. Continuum, 2009. Reviewed by Ken Jones, Vol. 27 (1), 98-99.
Engelbrecht, Edward, editor. The Apocrypha: The Lutheran Edition with Notes. Concordia Publishing House, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (4), 481-82.
Eyjolfssón, Sigurjón Árni. Anfechtung und Nachfolge: Luther und lutherische Theoogie von Island aus betrachtet. Helsinki: Luther-Agricola-Gesellschaft, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (4), 490-92.
L. Garcia, Alberto and Susan K. Wood, editors. Critical Issues in Ecclesiology: Essays in Honor of Carl Braaten. Eerdmans, 2011. Reviewed by Paul Hinlicky, Vol. 27 (1), 104-106.
Gerhard, Johann. On the Ministry, Part One. Theological Commonplaces: XXVI/1. Concordia Publishing House, 2011. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (4), 477-79.
Green, Todd. Responding to Secularization: The Deaconess Movement in Nineteenth-Century Sweden. Boston: Brill, 2011. Reviewed by Rhoda Schuler, 27 (1), 100-102.
Grindal, Gracia. Preaching from Home: The Stories of Seven Lutheran Women Hymn Writers. Lutheran Quarterly Books. Eerdmans, 2011. Reviewed by Øyvind T. Gulliksen, Vol. 27 (4), 443-45
Gritsch, Eric. Martin Luther’s Anti-Semitism. Against His Better Judgment. Eerdmans, 2012. Reviewed by Stephen Burnett, Vol. 27 (2), 217-18.
von Habsburg, Maximilian. Catholic and Protestant Translations of the Imitatio Christi, 1425-1650: From Late Medieval Classic to Early Modern Bestseller. Ashgate, 2011. Reviewed by Daniel Brunner, Vol. 27 (2), 244-46.
Haga, Joar. Was there a Lutheran Metaphysics? The interpretation of communicatio idiomatum in Early Modern Lutheranism. REFO500 Academic Studies 2. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012. Reviewed by Benjamin T.G. Mayes, Vol. 27 (4), 455-57.
Herms, Eilert. Kirche—Geschöpf und Werkzeug des Evangeliums. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010. Reviewed by Matthew Becker, Vol. 27 (4), 452-53.
Hinlicky, Paul R. Divine Complexity. The Rise of Creedal Christianity. Fortress Press, 2011. Reviewed by J. Jayakiran Sebastian, Vol. 27 (3), 357-59.
Holmer, Paul L. On Kierkegaard and the Truth. The Paul L. Holmer Papers, Vol. 1. Edited by David J. Gowens and Lee C. Barrett IIII. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2012. Reviewed by Jason Mahn, Vol. 27 (2), 246-48.
Howard, Thomas Albert. God and the Atlantic: America, Europe, and the Religious Divide. Oxford University Press, 2011. Reviewed by Mark Granquist, Vol. 27 (2), 232-35.
Johnson, Anna Marie and John A. Maxfield, editors. The Reformation as Christianization. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012. Reviewed by H. George Anderson, Vol. 27 (4), 445-47.
Kapic, Kelly M. and Bruce L. McCormack, et al. Mapping Modern Theology: A Thematic and Historical Introduction. Baker Press, 2012. Reviewed by Joshua Miller, Vol. 27 (3), 367-69.
Kierkegaard, Søren. Discourses at the Communion on Fridays. Translate by Sylvia Walsh. Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion. Indiana University Press, 2011. Reviewed by Ronald F. Marshall, Vol. 27 (4), 466-68.
Kolb, Robert. Luther and the Stories of God: Biblical Narratives as a Foundation for Christian Living. Baker Academic, 2012. Reviewed by Clay Schmitt, Vol. 27 (1), 92-94.
Kronen, John and Eric Reitan. God’s Final Victory: A Comparative Philosophical Case for Universalism. Continuum Publishiing, 2011. Reviewed by Gregory Schulz, Vol. 27 (1), 102-104.
Lantzer, Jason S. Mainline Christianity: The Past and Future of America’s Majority Faith. New York University Press, 2012. Reviewed by Dwight Zscheile, Vol. 27 (4), 457-58.
Leithart, Peter J. Defending Constantine: The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom. InterVarsity Press Academic, q 2010. Reviewed by Hans Wiersma, Vol. 27 (1), 106-08.
Lohrmann, Martin J. Bugenhagen’s Jonah: Biblical Interpretation as Public Theology. Lutheran University Press, 2012. Reviewed by James Limburg, Vol. 27 (2), 221-23.
Lund, Eric, editor. Seventeenth-Century Lutheran Meditations and Hymns. Paulist Press, 2011. Reviewed by Mary Jane Haemig, Vol. 27 (1), 124.
Matthews, John W. Bonhoeffer: A Brief Overview of the Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Lutheran University Press, 2011. Reviewed by Andrew Root, Vol. 27 (2), 231-32.
Mattox, Mickey and A.G. Roeber. Changing Churches: An Orthodox, Catholic, and Lutheran Theological Conversation. Eerdmans, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (4), 459-60.
Maxfield, John A., editor. Wilhelm Loehe and the Nineteenth-Century Revival of Lutheran Confessionalism and Mission. Reviewed by Martin Lohrmann, Vol. 27 (1), 108-10.
Norgren, William A. Faith and Order in the USA: A Brief History of Studies and Relationships. Eerdmans, 2011. Reviewed by Maria Erling, Vol. 27 (1), 112-13.
Paulson, Steven D. Lutheran Theology. T&T Clark, 2011. Reviewed by Matthew Becker, Vol. 27 (3), 359-61.
Peters, Albrecht. Commentary on Luther’s Catechisms: Creed. Translated by Thomas H. Trapp. Concordia Publishing House, 2011. Reviewed by Martin Lohrmann, Vol. 27 (1), 114-15.
Plummer, Marjorie Elizabeth. From Priest’s Whore to Pastor’s Wife: Clerical Marriage and the Process of Reform in the Early German Reformation. Ashgate, 2012. Reviewed by Robert Christman, Vol. 27 (4), 492-94.
Preuss, Eduard. The Justification of the Sinner before God. Fort Wayne: Lutheran Legacy, 2011. Reviewed by Mark Braun, Vol. 27 (1), 115-16.
Probst, Christopher J. Demonizing the Jews: Luther and the Protestant Church in Nazi Germany. Indiana University Press, 2012. Reviewed by Darrell Jodock, Vol. 27 (2), 219-21.
Ratke, David C., editor. The New Perspective on Paul. Lutheran University Press, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (4), 450-51.
Schramm, Brooks and Kirsi I. Stjerna, editors. Martin Luther, The Bible, and the Jewish People: A Reader. Fortress Press, 2012. Reviewed by Michael Halvorson, Vol. 27 (2), 215-16.
Senn, Frank C. Introduction to Christian Liturgy. Fortress Press, 2012. Reviewed by Marcus Felde, Vol. 27 (4), 472-73.
von Sinner, Rudolf. The Churches and Democracy in Brazil: Towards a Public Theology Focused on Citizenship. Wipf & Stock, 2012. Reviewed by Guillermo Hansen, Vol. 27 (4), 473-75.
Spence, Alan J. Justification: A Guide for the Perplexed. T&T Clark, 2012. Reviewed by Ken Jones, Vol. 27 (1), 117-18.
Springer, Carl P.E. Luther’s Aesop. Truman State University Press, 2011. Reviewed by Neil Leroux, Vol. 27 (1), 119-20.
Steinmetz, David C. Taking the Long View: Christian Theology in Historical Perspective. Oxford University Press, 2011. Reviewed by Walter Sundberg, Vol. 27 (4), 460-62.
Stewart, John, editor. Kierkegaard’s Influence on Theology, Tome I: German Protestant Theology. Vol. 10: Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources. Ashgate, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (4), 462-64.
Stewart, John, editor. Kierkegaard’s Influence on Theology, Tome II: Anglophone and Scnadinavian Protestant Theology. Vol. 10: Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources. Ashgate, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (4), 464-66.
Stokes, Patrick and Adam J. Buben, editors. Kierkegaard and Death. Indiana University Press, 2011. Reviewed by Sergia Hay, Vol. 27 (4), 468-69.
Thompson, John L., editor. Genesis 1 – 11. Reformation Commentary on Scripture: Old Testament. InterVarsity Press Academic, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (3), 352-53.
Thompson, Virgil, editor. Justificaion is for Preaching. Pickwick Publications, 2012. Reviewed by Michael Rogness, Vol. 27 (4), 470-71.
Visser, Arnoud S. Q. Reading Augustine in the Reformation. The Flexibility of Intellectual Authority in Europe, 1500-1620. Oxford Studies in Historical Theology. Oxford University Press, 2011. Reviewed by Robert Kolb, Vol. 27 (1), 120-22.
Walther, C.F.W. For the Life of the Church: A Practical Edition of Pastor Walther’s Prayers and Addresses. Concordia Publishing House, 2011. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (3), 369-70.
Watanabe, Morimichi. Nicholas of Cusa: A Companion to his Life and Times. Ashgate, 2011. Reviewed by Paul W. Robinson, Vol. 27 (1), 122-24.
Wengert, Timothy. Defending Faith: Lutheran Responses to Andreas Osiander’s Doctrine of Justification, 1551-1559. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (3), 361-63.
Westhelle, Vitor. After Heresy: Colonial Practices and Post-Colonial Theologies. Cascade Books, 2010. Reviewed by Paul Hinlicky, Vol. 27 (2), 227-29.
Woodford, Lucas V. Great Commission, Great Confusion, or Great Confession? The Mission of the Holy Christian Church. Wipf and Stock, 2012. Reviewed by John T. Pless, Vol. 27 (4), 479-80.
Zeeden, Ernst Walter. Faith and Act: The Survival of Medieval Ceremonies in the Lutheran Reformation. Translated by Kevin G. Walker. Concordia Publishing House, 2012. Reviewed by Mark Mattes, Vol. 27 (4), 476-77.
Zscheile, Dwight, editor. Cultivating Sent Communities: Missional Spiritual Formation. Eerdmans, 2012. Reviewed by Ron Hoyum, Vol. 27 (3), 370-72.