Current Issue

Autumn 2024

About this Issue
The Nicene Creed and Luther’s Credal Hymn, Paul Rorem

The Battle of the Biographies: Early Modern Life-Writing on Martin Luther, Robert Kolb

Paul Gerhardt in America 1743–2007,  Mary Jane Haemig

How My Mind Has Changed

Lutheranism as a Corrective, Gilbert Meilaender
How My Mind Has Changed—About the Church, Timothy J. Wengert


The Practical Applications of the Augsburg Confession: Confessing the Faith Today,

Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert

Text, for the Record

Luther Seminary Chapel Homily, May 12, 1998, Gerhard O. Forde

Book Reviews

Featured Book Review: Luther for Everyone – Who He Was and Why He Still Matters, by Hans Schwarz

Recent Issues:

Summer 2024

Bugenhagen’s Harmony of Christ’s Passion and Resurrection by Martin J. Lohrmann

“Lutherans” and “Calvinists” in the Early Seventeenth Century: From Controversial Labels to Confessional Terms by Michael K.H.Lapp

Clerical Collegiality in Colonial Pennsylvania  by Karl Krueger

Luther in Norwegian by Joar Haga

How My Mind Has Changed

“It Is A Gate” by L. DeAne Lagerquist
The Crucible of the Sixties as a Portal to Orthodoxy by Robert Benne

Text, for the Record

Reflections on Round XII of the U.S. Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue
by Ian A. McFarland


The Rev. Jehu Jones and “The 1838 Black Metropolis”  byTimothy J. Wengert


Book Reviews 

Featured Book Review: Das Jüngste Gericht in den Konfessionen und Medien der Frühen Neuzeit by Johann Anselm Steiger / Ricarda Höffler (Hg.)

Spring 2024

Early Modern Lutheranism as (Still) a Research Frontier by Robert Kolb

Luther in Early Modern English by David Scott Gehring

Robert Jenson and the Dogmatic Location of Culture by John W. Hoyum

How My Mind Has Changed
  – How My Mind Has Not Changed, Yet Changed by Ted Peters

Looking—and Looking Again by Martha E. Stortz


Featured Book Reviews:The Saved and the Damned: A History of the Reformation. By Thomas

Winter 2023

The First Lutheran Hymnals of 1524  by Robin A. Leaver

The Sacramentality of Scripture in the Writings of Johann Gerhard by Lucas J. Admiraal

How the Priesthood of All Believers Became American by Jonathan Strom

Featured Book Review:Women Reformers of Early Modern Europe: Profiles, Texts, and Contexts by Martin J Lohrmann.

Annual Essay Prize
Virgil Thompson’s Retirement
LQ Books
Book Reviews

Autumn 2023

Wittenberg Uses of Law and Gospel by Robert Kolb

Freedom from the Law and the Experimental “Third Use” by Steven D. Paulson

Epitomes as Interpretations, Teaching Tools, and Rules of Faith by Irene Dingel

Text, for the Record – Letter of Dr. Martin Luther Concerning Erasmus of Rotterdam (1524) by James M Estes

Featured Book Review: Teaching Reformation: Essays in Honor of Timothy J. Wengert by Vincent Evener

Summer 2023

Martin Luther and the Flow of Faith by Mark D. Tranvik

The Transformation of the Wittenberg Concord in Philip Melanchthon’s Correspondence from Statement to Formula for Concord by Tobias Jammerthal

Luther’s Works in Tamil by Daniel Jeyaraj

Text, for the Record – Martin Luther’s Great Surprise: Translating the New Testament, 1522-2022 by Timothy J. Wengert

Featured Book Review – And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle. By
Jon Meacham.  (Reviewed by Jon Diefenthaler)

Spring 2023

“”Solus Christus” from Late Medieval Passion Piety to Reformation Faith” by Volker Leppin
“Martin Bucer between Oecolampadius and Melanchthon on the Lord’s Supper” by Amy Nelson Burnett
“The Origin and Diffusion of the Common Table Prayer “Come, Lord Jesus”” by James R. Eggert
“Luther in Hungarian” by Zoltán Csepregi
Review Essay: Luther’s Outlaw God by Steven. D. Paulson, reviewed by Matthew Becker
Featured book Review: The Augsburg Confession: Renewing Lutheran Faith and Practice, by Timothy J. Wengert, reviewed by Suzanne Hequet)

Winter 2022
“The Antwerp Martyrs and Luther’s First Song” by Robert J. Christman
“Clinging to the Wrong Catherine? The Misattribution of Catherine of Mecklenburg’s “Burr” Quotation to Catherine Luther and Its Obscured Reference in Two Lutheran Hymns” by Matthew Carver
“The Sudan Mission, Midwife to Two African Churches” by Mark Nygard
“Comment: Reformation Research Developments in Germany” by Robert Kolb
Featured Book Review: A Widower’s Lament: The Pious Meditations of Johann Christoph Oelhafen, translated by Ronald K. Rittgers, reviewed by Glenn K. Fluegge)

Autumn 2022
“Current Perspectives on Luther’s Biblical Interpretation” by Robert Kolb
“Martin Chemnitz’s Christology in Proclamation and Confession” by Christian J. Einertson
“Johann Gerhard on the Theologian’s Vocation in Theory and Practice” by Allison Zbicz Michael
“Bonhoeffer’s Luther Bible” by Brian Shetler and Ryan MacLean
Featured Book Review: Matthias Flacius Illyricus. Edited by Irene Dingel, Johannes Hund, and Luka Ili´c


Older Issues

Summer 2022
“The Advent Postil and the Christmas Postil of 1522” by Mary Jane Haemig
“Lutherans Fight the Plague in the Sixteenth Century” by Andreas Stegmann
“Wilhelm Loehe’s 1866 Sermons on the Lord’s Supper” by Jacob Corzine
“Martin Luther’s First Major Publication” by Timothy J. Wengert
“Oscar Cullmann’s Part in Twentieth Century Lutheran–Catholic Relations” by Karlfried Froehlich
Featured Book Review:  The Course of God’s Providence: Religion, Health, and the Body in Early America. By Philippa Koch.

Spring 2022
“Edmund Schlink’s Ecumenical Dogmatics” by Matthew Becker
“The Distinction between Law and Gospel” by Edmund Schlink
“Luther in Dutch” by Sabine Hiebsch
“How Luther Became the Mythical “Here I Stand” Hero”
by Samuel L. Young
Featured Book Review: Who Rules the World: Divine Providence and the Existence of Evil. By Hans Schwarz.

Winter 2021
“Revisiting Humanism and the Urban Reformation” by Amy Nelson Burnett
“Swedish and American Lutherans Negotiate Joining the World Council” by Erik Sidenvall
“Not without Skepticism: Metaphysics as a Metacritical Task of Theology” by Oswald Bayer
“Luther’s Invocavit Sermons (Lent 1522)” by Martin J. Lohrmann
“The Quincentennial of M. Flacius (1520–1575)” by Luka Ilić
Featured Book Review: The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience. By Simeon Zahl.

Autumn 2021
“Luther’s Antidote to Apophatic Theology” by Steven D. Paulson
“Luther’s Contribution to the Just War Tradition” by H. David Baer
“Translating Luther into Swedish in the Sixteenth Century” by Kajsa Weber
“Text, for the Record: Melanchthon on the Lord’s Supper in 1534” by Timothy J. Wengert
Fetured Book Review: Enemies of the Cross: Suffering, Truth, and Mysticism in the Early Reformation. By Vincent Evener

Summer 2021
“Highlighting in the 1534 “Luther Bible”” by Gordon A. Jensen
“Birgit Stolt and Luther Studies” by Carl P.E. Springer
“Luther in Danish” by Anna Vind
“Luther’s 1521 Magnificat Commentary” by Beth Kreitzer
“Melanchthon’s First Letter about an Ethiopian Visitor to Luther’s Wittenberg” by Timothy J. Wengert
Featured Book Review: The Dynamics of the Early Reformation in their Reformed Augustinian Context. By Robert J. Christman.

Spring 2021
“Another Quincentennial: The Diet and Edict of Worms (1521)” by Theodor Dieter
“Heinrich Bünting’s 1581 Biblical Itinerarium” by Robert Kolb
“Luther in Chinese” by Vincent Kam
“Luther, Vocation, and the Search for Significance” by David W. Loy
  “Vocations?” Responses by Robert BenneSuzanne HequetKiara Jorgenson, and David W. Loy
Text, for the Record
  “An ELFK Pastor vs a Nazi Creed” by Samuel Brandt
Featured Book Review: Luther@500 and Beyond: Martin Luther’s Theology Past, Present & Future. Edited by Stephen Hultgren, Stephen Pietsch, and Jeffrey Silcock.

Winter 2020
“The Biographical Significance of Bach’s Handwritten Entries in his Calov Bible” by Michael Marissen
“Luther and Some Lutherans on Divine Simplicity and Hiddenness” by John W. Hoyum
“Norway’s Millennium of Christianity and Decade of Celebration”by Idar Kjolsvik
Texts, for the Record
  “Leonhard Kaiser’s 1527 Confession ‘Grace through Christ'” Introduced and translated by Sarah Hinlicky Wilson
  “The Ministry and Ministries” (excerpt) by Dorothea Wendebourg
Book Reviews
Index to Volume Thirty-Four (2020)

Autumn 2020
“Martin Luther’s Jewish Assassin” by Samuel J. Dubbelman
“Dorothea Susanna of Sachsen-Weimar (1544-92) amid Confessions and Politics” by Irene Dingel
“Christology through the Fires of Feuerbach” by Bradley C. Jenson
“The Careers of O.F. Nolde, Pioneer of Public Church” by Leslie F. Weber, Jr.
“Luther in French” by Matthieu Arnold
Book Reviews

Summer 2020
“Silence before God” by Oswald Bayer
“Luther on God’s Play with His Saints” by Vincent Kam
“Georg Major on Church Fathers and Councils” by Irene Dingel
“August Vilmar (1800-1868) against German Theological Wissenschaft” by James Ambrose Lee II
Another Quincentennial
  The Excommunication of Martin Luther:
Exsurge Domine (1520) and Decet Romanum Pontificem (1521)
Book Reviews

Spring 2020
“Preaching on Luther’s Hymn Texts in the Late Reformation” by Robert Kolb
“Luther’s Messianic Translations of the Hebrew Bible” by Erik T. Lundeen
“Luther’s Theology of Beauty” by Mark Mattes
“Luther’s Works in Ethiopian Languages” by Samuel Deressa
Two More Quincentennials
The Babylonian Captivity (1520)
The Freedom of a Christian (1520)
Book Reviews

Winter 2019
“Another Quincentennial: Luther’s 1520 Treatise on Good Works” by Anna Marie Johnson
“Parents, Authorities, and Disobedience in Sixteenth-Century Lutheran Sermons” by Mary Jane Haemig
“The Soul as Answer” by Oswald Bayer
Texts, for the Record
  “We Are Not Alone: A Minister’s Prayer Book” by Timothy Wengert and Virgil Thompson
  “What Remains of the Quincentennial?” by Hartmut Lehmann
“This Is Not Martin Luther” by Martin Lohrmann
Book Review
Index to Volume Thirty-Three (2019)

Autumn 2019
“Luther’s 1519 Unterricht amid the Negotiations with Papal Legate Karl von Miltitz” by Zeger Polhuijs
“‘Faith from Hearing’ in Luther’s Sermons on the Visitation by Samuel J. Dubbelman
“Martin Luther and Education” by Matthieu Arnold
“’Peace, Peace . . . Cross, Cross’ Reflections on How Martin Luther Relates the Theology of the Cross to Suffering by Timothy J. Wengert
Book Reviews

Summer 2019
“The Self-Giving God” by Oswald Bayer
  *exclusive online feature: A Trinity Sunday Sermonby Oswald Bayer (translated by Karl Boehmer)
“The Development and Structure of Luther’s Ethics” by Andreas Stegmann
“African Americans and Northern Lutherans during the Eighteenth Century” by Richard J. Boles
  “Luther in Russian” by Matthew Heise
  “Another Quincentennial: To the Christian Nobility (1520)” by Kurt K. Hendel
Book Reviews

Spring 2019
“Confessional Transformations from the Wittenberg Reformation to Lutheranism” by Irene Dingel
Philip Melanchthon on Bible Translation and Commentaries” by Timothy J. Wengert
“Freedom of Faith—Freedom of the World: A Response to Brad Gregory’s View of the Reformation” by Dorothea Wendebourg
“The Motto VDMA in Reformation Books” by Christian Herrmann
Comment: “Luther in Arabic” by Mark N. Swanson
Book Reviews

Winter 2018
“The Freiburg ‘Bonhoeffer Circle’ (1943) on Theology and Germany’s Economic Order” by Michael T. Grzonka
  see also ‘Appendix 4’ which accompanies the essay & is published here online
“American Lutheran Youth Ministry after World War II and Lutheranism Today” by Christopher J. Richmann
Texts, for the Record
  “Luther and the Ethiopian Deacon” by David D. Daniels III and Lawrence Anglin
  “Luther in Latvian” by Guntis Kalme
  “Another Quincentennial: The 1519 Leipzig Debate” by Kurt K. Hendel
Book Reviews

Autumn 2018
“Luther among the Neo-Lutherans: Gottfried Thomasius and Johannes von Hofmann” by James Ambrose Lee II
“F.C.D. Wyneken, Thunder on the Indiana Frontier” by Karen Rösch
“Getting Women Ordained” by Gracia Grindal
“New Publications for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation” by Hartmut Lehmann
Review Essays
Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions, reviewed by H. George Anderson
Martin Luther: A Christian between Reforms and Modernity (1517–2017), reviewed by Mark Mattes
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther, reviewed by Mark Mattes
Book Reviews

Summer 2018
About This Issue
“Martin Luther’s ‘Mighty Fortress'” by Andreas Loewe and Katherine Firth
“Early Lutheran Perspectives on the Council of Trent” by Kenneth G. Appold
“Onesimos Nesib, Ethiopian Evangelical Pioneer” by Samuel Yonas Deressa
“Marcuse’s Critique of Luther’s Concept of Freedom”by Oswald Bayer
“Comment: The North American 400th Anniversary” by Mark Granquist
Book Reviews

Spring 2018
Title Page, Table of Contents, & About This Issue
“Martin Luther and the Danish Welfare State” by Jørn Henrik Petersen  
“From Charismatic Leadership to Institution, the Reformation Significance of Making Martin Luther into a Monument” by Volker Leppin                       
Text, for the Record: “Taking a Stand for Reformation: Martin Luther and Caritas Pirckheimer” by Kenneth G. Appold

“Another Quincentennial: The 1518 Proceedings at Augsburg” by Suzanne Hequet

“Luther in Swedish” by Tomas Appleqvist

Book Reviews